Two weeks after unblocking Wales-How many Covid cases are there in your area?
More than 2 weeks have passed Almost all Welsh Covid restrictions have been liftedExcept for face cover requirements in most indoor settings.
On August 7, the country moved to alert level 0, removing restrictions on meeting others indoors.
For the first time in more than 15 months, all remaining businesses, including nightclubs, may resume.
Alert Level Zero: Covid rules described in Wales
There is no legal limit to the number of people you can meet in private homes, public places, events, etc. from 6am on August 7th.
What kind of business can you resume?
What kind of business can you resume?
Businesses that are currently closed can be reopened. This includes nightclubs and other entertainment venues.
What about self-quarantine?
What about self-quarantine?
From midnight on August 7, fully vaccinated adults and children and adolescents under the age of 18 should be quarantined if they are identified as having a close relationship with a person infected with the coronavirus. lose.
This was announced by the Prime Minister last week.
Face masks are optional only within hospitality facilities, although some companies implement their own rules.
But recently, some parts of Wales have reported the most Covid cases in a few months.
So how has the coronavirus infection rate changed since Wales moved to alert level 0?
According to the latest data, the overall Welsh incidence has almost doubled in the last two weeks since the country entered alert level zero with 8,749 Covid-19s.
Between August 18th and 22nd, the overall positive rate in Wales (tested and confirmed to have the virus) was 17.5%.
This means that 264 people per 100,000 population were infected with the coronavirus.
According to the latest figures on Monday, 3,247 cases were confirmed over the weekend and two deaths were reported across Wales.
A week before Covid’s restrictions were lifted, there were 133 cases per 100,000 people in Wales.
Welsh public health figures show that 4,489 cases were reported between July 26th and August 1st-a positive rate of 9.7%.
Incidents are skyrocketing in Swansea, with local health commissions reporting dozens related to the 50,000 music festival in Cornwall.
Swansea Bay University Health Commission at least 56 positive cases were identified, including those who participated in the board master, Was held from August 11th to 15th.
A spokeswoman also expressed concern that music fans would spread the virus further to the upcoming Reading and Leeds Festivals.
The Ceredigion Council has reported the largest number of cases since January and is concerned that it will continue to grow in the coming days and weeks.
In Wales, it is estimated that 1 in 130 people was infected with Covid-19 in the week until August 14, up from 1 in 220 in the previous week, the highest level since the week until February 12. ..
Approximately 1 in 80 private households in the UK had Covid-19 in the week leading up to August 14-a slight decrease from 1 in 75 in the previous week.
In Northern Ireland, ONS describes this trend as “uncertainty,” with the latest estimate being 1/50, a slight increase from 1/55 of the previous week, the highest since the week until January 23. It was a level.
In the case of Scotland, ONS estimates that 1 in 200 people had Covid-19 in the week leading up to August 14, a slight decrease from 1 in 190 people last week.
On January 12, 2021, Covid’s 4,583 people were admitted to a British hospital.
Wales had the biggest surge on January 3, with 983 people hospitalized for the virus.
Since then, with the development of vaccination programs, the number of Covid patients has steadily decreased from January to June, but has increased sharply since then.
There were 58 patients admitted on July 11th, an increase to 123 on August 15th each week.
Wales is the only country that has been able to administer the first dose to more than three-quarters of young adults, with an estimated 75.8% receiving a single jab.
Scotland is next with 73.2%, followed by England with 70.8% and Northern Ireland with 66.3%.
A total of 2,148,822 people have been fully vaccinated in Wales, and 2,312,063 have been first vaccinated.
The Welsh government has taken a cautious approach throughout the pandemic and warned that it would not hesitate to reintroduce restrictions if the coronavirus situation deteriorates again.
Before lifting almost all the remaining restrictions, the Prime Minister said we could now have “some confidence” that we are over the worst virus.
But he warned that the pandemic was “not all.”
Mark Drakeford said: “In this third wave, hundreds of people are infected with the coronavirus every day.
“Vaccination has fundamentally changed the relationship between getting sick and hospitalization, but it did not eliminate it.”
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It is not yet clear whether the “two-meter rule,” which is required by law for businesses to maintain social distance at work, will be abolished.
Welsh government sources say it is one of the last details being discussed.
The government said in its announcement that it was “more flexible” as to which “reasonable measures” facilities and workplaces would take to minimize the risk of the virus.
“These need to be tailored to the risk assessment and specific circumstances.”
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