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The disease quickly and continuously wipes out at least 20 wild bighorn sheep inside BC

The disease quickly and continuously wipes out at least 20 wild bighorn sheep inside BC


The outbreak has killed wild bighorn sheep and white-tailed deer near Grand Forks, British Columbia, and the number of deaths is expected to increase.

A herd of bighorn sheep in this area of ​​the West Kutney region is estimated to be about 230, and members of the Wild Sheep Association have stated that at least 20 have died so far.

The criminal is a disease called bluetongue, which spreads when stable flies bite flies.

Kyle Stelter, president of the British Columbia Wild Sheep Association, said members began to notice something was wrong after many animals that had been collared for conservation projects stopped moving. increase.

“In two hours, five dead people appeared on the satellite collar,” Stelter said. “It’s so immediate.”

The British Columbia Wild Sheep Association has confirmed that 20 animals have died so far, but it is unknown how many animals have died so far from the virus. (BC / Facebook Wild Sheep Association)

Stellar says it’s very unusual for something like this to happen in the middle of the summer other than a predatory event.

“From what we’ve heard, it certainly looks like a widespread death, but it’s a fairly early stage. Local biologists say how much, except that it’s very, very bad. I don’t think I know exactly. “

Rare illness

Bluetongues are usually deadly in bighorn sheep and can affect other ruminants such as white-tailed deer, said Dr. Kaley Soccer, a British Columbia wildlife veterinarian.

It’s not a common disease in British Columbia, but it affects herds south of the border. She said flies arrive due to environmental conditions and changing winds.

Soccer says that when an animal becomes infected, a course of illness occurs and the animal will probably die.

“There is no cure for this disease in any species,” she said.

The only thing that can stop flies is the frost that disrupts their life cycle and kills them.

“As soon as it happens, there should be no further transmission at that point, enough time to kill all the insects that are spreading the disease.”

When an animal becomes infected, a course of illness occurs and the animal is more likely to die, said Dr. Caeley Thacker, a British Columbia wildlife veterinarian. (BC / Facebook Wild Sheep Association)

The bighorn sheep is a bluelisted species in BC. This does not mean that it is immediately endangered, but it is a “concerned” species because it is particularly sensitive to human activity and natural events.

“Wild sheep aren’t as prosperous in the landscape as they were in the past,” Stelter said. “Most of the problems are related to these illness events.”

Stelter says there’s nothing that infected bighorn sheep can do, but they want at least more to protect the survivor’s habitat, other than waiting for the frost to kill the flies.

“There was a lot of invasion in their traditional grazing areas where they spend winters and summers, and as you know, we keep that in mind, wild sheep are wild sheep. You need to keep the area where you can become. “




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