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Alaska holds records for most patients admitted with COVID-19 and reports over 1,000 new cases over the weekend

Alaska holds records for most patients admitted with COVID-19 and reports over 1,000 new cases over the weekend


The surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Alaska worsened over the weekend as the state linked previous records of most patients hospitalized with the virus at one time.

Jared Kosin, chairman of the Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association, said Monday that the number of people hospitalized for the virus reached a pandemic peak of 151 most of the weekend. The last and only time many people with COVID-19 were treated in hospitals in Alaska was December 2020.

“We hit a new high, and it doesn’t seem to be over yet,” Koshin said on Monday. “No doubt. This is a crisis.”

The next two weeks will be important in determining how the crisis will develop, Koshin said. So far, the recent influx of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations has shown little sign of slowdown, according to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. Dashboard Updated only on weekdays.

By Monday, there were no ICU beds available in Anchorage. Municipal dashboard..of Matanuskas, About one-third of all hospitalizations were virus-related.

Alaskan hospitals for weeks Operated at an unsustainable level This is due to the combination of busy summer hospitalizations, staff shortages, and a surge in demand for COVID-19 patients. Healthcare providers have reported long ER waits, sporadic cancellations of selective treatment, and competing ICU patients over beds.

“If things keep accelerating, it’s a scenario we’re not talking about, we’re not talking about — unfortunately other states have experienced,” Koshin said. It may look like surgery canceled daily — “and the surgery I’m talking about isn’t cosmetic surgery. These are cancer tooth extractions, very serious and life-threatening procedures. ..

“I don’t know of any other way to tell people that this is a very serious crisis. I hope people understand it and take action,” Koshin said.

[Among the unvaccinated, delta variant more than doubles risk of hospitalization]

When asked which state or local intervention to consider at this point, Kosin said: Even if these are heavy lifts at the moment, we need to put all our resources into this issue as much as possible, “he said.

The Hospital Association is short of staff by removing regulatory barriers that could prevent medical staff from being strengthened from the 48 states of the continental United States and using federal resources to increase the placement of nurses in Alaska. We have sent the state a list of requests to consider, including actions.

Governor Mike Dunleavy and government officials said Thursday that they are working on some of these demands to increase the number of people who can treat patients with COVID-19.

Dunleavy and other officials, Press conference streamed on Facebook, Said that vaccination remains the best solution to the ongoing crisis. However, the governor did not urge vaccination. Instead, Alaska Natives said they should talk to their doctors about getting vaccinated “if that’s what they want to do.”

[‘Be vigilant’: Vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 cases in Alaska are surprising, usually less severe and part of the reality of the pandemic for now]

According to Koshin, what Alaskans can now do not only to get vaccinated, but also to support healthcare workers and medical facilities, is to wear masks in indoor public spaces, limit indoor gatherings, and hands. Is to wash.

“It’s those practical steps that make a difference right away because it slows down transmission, and slower transmission slows down hospitalization, so there’s a really big difference in the short term.” Mr. Koshin said.

[An unvaccinated elementary school teacher took off her mask for a read-aloud. Within days, half her class was positive for delta.]

Alaska held in January Top seat in Japan Now for per capita vaccination 33rd in the state.. The state on Monday reported that 60.6% of Alaska Natives over the age of 12 were vaccinated at least once and 54.9% were fully vaccinated.

The state’s 7-day average positive test rate was 7.27%.





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