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COVID-19: Ontario Physician Group Opposes Vaccine Opposition Movement

COVID-19: Ontario Physician Group Opposes Vaccine Opposition Movement
COVID-19: Ontario Physician Group Opposes Vaccine Opposition Movement


Toronto — Three prominent medical groups oppose the harassment doctors faced by anti-vaccine protesters.

The Canadian Medical Association, the Ontario Medical Association, and the Ontario Hospital Association say this week that demonstrators have set up outside the hospital to oppose the rules that force people to vaccinate. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection.

The group says that in some cases protesters blocked access to ambulances and other medical services.

CMA and OMA say doctors are being bullied and in some cases attacked by people who disagree with their vaccination obligations.

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Protests after the Ontario government announced the COVID-19 vaccine certification system

This week, the Government of Ontario joined Quebec, Manitoba, and British Columbia to announce a program that requires vaccination certification to access some non-essential services.

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Ontario Prime Minister Doug Ford said he didn’t want to introduce this measure, but was forced to do so due to slower vaccination and an increase in the number of cases of COVID-19.

Opinion polls suggest that the measure is widely supported, but medical groups say the minority of voices made the lives of doctors even more difficult.

“Healthcare workers who have worked hard for months have been bullied and harassed for their work. This is wrong and unacceptable_the end. We We are facing an unprecedented rate of health crisis, “CMA and OMA said in a joint statement on Friday.

“Medical relies on scientific facts, evidence, and rigorous research. The pandemic only emphasizes the importance of these principles. Containing the outbreak of COVID-19, treating patients, and We have developed a life-saving vaccine. “

Dr. Jennifer Kwan, a family doctor renowned for sharing data about pandemics online, said she was disappointed that the false information she suspected led to feelings of opposition to the vaccine.

read more: Ontario Government Require COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate in Many Indoor Public Environments

“I hope people understand that health providers are there to take care of them, regardless of protests, even if they get sick,” she said. “I have already been hospitalized with unvaccinated patients, including young and healthy patients, for severe illness due to COVID-19.”

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As of Friday, 326 people in Ontario were hospitalized for the virus, and only 34 of them were fully vaccinated, according to state data. The data show that 169 people are receiving intensive care for COVID-19, including 105 people on mechanical ventilation.

Ontario reported another 807 cases of COVID-19 on Friday, killing seven. 628 of the new diagnoses are for people who have not been completely vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown.

According to the latest data, 83.3% of Ontarians over the age of 12 have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine at least once, and 76.8% have been fully vaccinated.

— Use Rhythm Sachdeva files

© 2021 The Canadian Press





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