Victoria reports 190 new Covid cases as 1,000 families were forced to isolate themselves in Queensland.Victoria
Victoria reported 190 new locally acquired Covid cases, Queensland Health officials have ordered more than 1,000 families in southeastern Queensland to be quarantined for two weeks because a four-year-old girl infected with an interstate truck driver may have been infected with the coronavirus.
Victorian cases decreased from 208 new cases reported on Friday. This was the highest number since August 22nd.
A total of 103 new virus cases are linked to other known cases. There are 1,301 active cases in the state.
There are 76 Covid-19 infected people in Victorian hospitals, including 23 in the intensive care unit, Victorian Industry Assistance Minister Martin Pakra said Saturday. None of those people have been completely vaccinated.
Pakura announced that the Victoria State Government will split $ 2.34 billion in funding with the federal government We will support over 175,000 companies in the next four weeks.
The minister said a new step-by-step payment system for project cost support programs would allow higher payments for companies with more workers.
Program payments will be made automatically in September at rates of $ 2,800, $ 5,600 and $ 8,400 per week, depending on the size of your salary.
Eligible cafes, restaurants and bars will continue to receive a $ 5 million to $ 20,000 per week licensed hospitality venue fund payment.
The Small Business Covid Hardship Fund will increase the grants of approximately 35,000 companies to $ 20,000 and extend the application deadline.
According to Pakura, Alpine’s support package will also help maintain the resort for the rest of the season, with automatic additional payments of $ 10,000 to $ 40,000.
Saturday data confirmed that more than 2,553,000 vaccinations were given in Victoria.
High school students in Victoria will be able to book an additional 50,000 priority vaccines starting Monday, and several schools will have pop-up vaccination hubs.
Most state restrictions are in effect until at least 70% of eligible Victorians are fully vaccinated, but 70% are given some amnesty when they receive their first dose.
The state was expected to reach its first mark on September 23, but was subsequently revised on September 18.
In Queensland, state chief health officer Janet Young said a 4-year-old girl who tested positive for Covid on Friday was likely. Infected in the community for 2 days We participated in the Boulevard Lee Learning Center in Winderou.
The girl is the daughter of a close family friend of Logan’s truck driver who was diagnosed with the virus on Thursday and was active in the community for five days.
100 families whose children attended the same early learning center were forced to quarantine at home for 14 days. Children from about 960 families attending Windaloo State School must also be quarantined for 14 days. After school, 30 students attended, and the nursery school also provided after-school childcare.
Young believed that the risks posed by the girl were “under control,” and said she was more worried about truck drivers who were high in viral load and had been active in the community for several days.
“I am very worried that we have received this communication,” she said. “… Truck driver test results show that he had a lot of viruses there.
“The kid didn’t do that, so I’m not really worried about the kid, and I think we’ve got it in terms of blocking the nursery and school.”
A public health warning was also issued to Beanley Marketplace, which was visited by an infected truck driver Monday from 10:30 am to 11:45 am.
Those who were there at the time are required to be tested and quarantined until they receive a negative result.
Authorities are most concerned about the stylish nail salon in the center visited by the driver, as not all salon customers have checked in.
“In the meantime one person checked in … but we know that there were at least eight customers in addition to this gentleman … so we have people before You have to get out, “said Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Oh.
“All businesses and individuals are responsible for ensuring that people are checking in.”
According to Young, the restrictions remain at their current settings, but could be further tightened if health officials identify an infection on the Beanley Marketplace.
“This is a very risky time for us,” she said. “It depends on whether you find a case that has infected the community in an uncontrolled situation since you went to the Beanley Marketplace.
“It will make me think we need to consider the blockade.”
Anyone with the mildest symptoms in the Beenleigh and Logan areas will be encouraged to come forward for testing.
One case obtained overseas was also diagnosed at the hotel quarantine on Friday.
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