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Cases of COVID continue to spread rapidly in Colorado schools, day care centers, and medical facilities.Colorado Springs News

Cases of COVID continue to spread rapidly in Colorado schools, day care centers, and medical facilities.Colorado Springs News


COVID-19 spread rapidly in Colorado from kindergarten to high school last week, with 747 additional infections, according to Colorado Public Health and Environment Department outbreak data updated Wednesday.

This is an increase of 433% from September 1st, bringing the total number of active cases among elementary, secondary and high school students and staff across the state to 886.

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Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Harley said at a press conference Wednesday that school children lead the state with the highest prevalence.

But students aren’t just infected with the virus at school, she said. They also obtain it elsewhere, primarily from unvaccinated adults, Herlihy said.

“It’s important for parents to recognize that their children may go to other places as well as to school,” she said. “It is dangerous to take unvaccinated children to a large gathering.”

Children under the age of 11 do not yet have the COVID-19 vaccine. Of the qualified teens and adults in Colorado, 74.7% have been vaccinated at least once, Herlihy said.

She said the 7-day average of Colorado in all categories of infectious diseases was 1,593 cases, compared to 303 cases in June. She added that almost 100% are new delta variants.

Statistics show that cases in life support and home care centers, child care centers, construction companies and distributors have increased significantly over the past week.

“Outbreaks reflect the predisposition to illnesses found in the wider community, and the greater the burden of illness, the greater the number of outbreaks,” said Michelle Hewitt, a spokeswoman for the El Paso County Public Health Service. “. Email.

Cases in medical facilities have increased by 30% across the state over the past week, with skilled nurses showing the largest surge of 92 new cases, for a total of 314.

According to Hewitt, long-term care facilities have fewer outbreaks and fewer deaths this year than in 2020.

“Vaccination rates are high among the residents of long-term care facilities, which is important in protecting this population,” she said.

According to Harley, the immunization rate for residents aged 65 and over is the highest in the state at 89.2%. The 40-64 age group has the second highest rate of 74.6%.

Brickenridge’s Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center also reported six cases last week, and Berry Up Aspen attended a concert of 12 people, despite having to attend evidence of vaccination or a recent negative test. Reported that the person was COVID positive.

Looking at COVID cases in schools from kindergarten to high school by county, El Paso, the second largest county in the state, has about twice as many cases in schools as in other parts of the state. You can see that there is.

According to Hewitt, the majority of cases are unvaccinated or completely unvaccinated, and breakthrough cases in vaccinated people are usually mild.

According to Herlihy, unvaccinated people are 5.8 times more likely to die from COVID and 3.7 times more likely to be hospitalized for the virus than vaccinated people.

However, of the approximately 1,000 people hospitalized as of Wednesday, approximately 2% are between the ages of 10 and 19, with children under the age of 9 accounting for 1% of hospitalizations.

Of the 7,537 Colorado deaths caused by COVID, 19 were children aged 0-19 and teenage deaths, according to figures from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Other counties with a population of over 50,000 and experiencing higher-than-state school cases are Pueblo, Mesa, Larimar, Bloomfield, and Douglas.

Douglas County voted on Wednesday to withdraw because the Commissioner unanimously disagreed with the Maskman Date for schools in the Tri-County Health Department in the area, but as of Wednesday there were 238 active cases at the school. It is in.

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It is the most abundant county in the state, with a population of 336,041 and an infection rate of 70.8 per 100,000.

The state-wide infection rate is 15.4 per 100,000 inhabitants.

In contrast, in larger counties, Adams, Arapaho, Jefferson, and Weld are all below state-wide school infection rates.

School districts in these counties are obliged to mask, and schools in Adams, Arapaho, and Jefferson counties have all indoor and bath staff and students, and Greeley Evans School District 6 in Weld County from preschool to middle school 2 A mask is required for graders.

According to state data, 19 of Colorado’s 64 counties have local public health orders in place.

This week, several junior high schools have joined the active list. Douglas County High School reports 34 cases. On the Western Slope, there are six cases each at Fruta Junior High School and Grand Junction High. The Grand Mesa Youth Services Center at the Youth Detention Center has reported 7 cases.

Jefferson High School in Weld County has 9 cases, Delores Fuerta Preparatory High School in Pueblo has 10 cases, Skyview Junior High School in El Paso County has 8 cases, Mountainview High School in Larimer County has 9 cases, and Vistaridge High School in El Paso County has 15 cases. bottom. Case.

According to Herlihy, about 56% of Colorado adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 have been vaccinated at least once.

Potential exposure to the virus affects whether vaccinated people have breakthrough cases and whether unvaccinated people are infected with the virus, Herlihy said. Stated.

According to Hewitt, the recurring theme is people who go to work or school when they are ill, which contributes to the spread of illness and outbreaks.

“We encourage people to stay home when they have an illness or symptom, even if it is mild,” she said. “This is a powerful step in delaying the spread of the disease.”

People exposed to the virus are required to be quarantined and 6 feet away.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend that everyone wear a mask in a public indoor environment.

Gazette Data Specialist Evan Wyloge contributed to this article.





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