Most prison inmates in Williamson County refuse to test for COVID, officials say
More than 90% of people booked in Williamson County Jail have refused to test for the coronavirus, officials said.
“Anyone in prison can get a quick COVID-19 test,” said Catherine Pokolda, deputy chief of the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office. “The majority refuse to be tested because they don’t want to be quarantined.” If they are positive, She said.
Coronavirus prisoners are isolatedWith other prisoners who have it and are being returned to the general public After 10 days, unless they feel sick.
A problem arose when a prisoner who had been in prison for two weeks in July began to feel sick and was tested positive, Pokulda said.
“He didn’t want to mention anything because he didn’t want to move around in prison,” Pokrda said.
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“Prior to this, he moved through several areas of the prison, and as a result, we tested all inmates who could have been exposed,” she said. “The result of this large-scale testing process over a month was about 70 COVID-positive cases. Almost all prisoners were asymptomatic and showed no signs of COVID.”
No prisoners died from the coronavirus, Pokrda said...
“Our level of care for people who test positive for COVID is by no means lower than the average citizen, and in fact it is probably much higher,” Pokrda said. “They are checked twice daily by medical staff and, if necessary, immediately sent to the hospital for proper care without restrictions.”
As of Monday, there were 587 prisoners in prison.
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Once a month, Williamson County and the Urban Health District provide modana vaccinations in prisons.
According to Pokulda, 62 prisoners chose to be vaccinated with COVID-19 in July. This was less than 10% of the prison population. She said 38 prisoners chose to be vaccinated in August.
Vaccinations became available to all adults on March 29th.
Williamson County did not provide vaccinations to prisoners until July. “Our facilities and staff, like the rest of the world, are the CDC, community health authorities, TCJS (Texas Commission on Prison Standards) and peer facilities,” he said.
“Under the governor’s orders and priorities, no facility provided the vaccine shortly after it was first made available to the population … and potential to the county in the event of medical complications. The effects were also considered. Inmates who responded to the vaccine that may have required hospitalization. “
The prison also said the number of COVID-19 inmates was low until the arrival of the highly contagious delta variant. The health district reported the first three cases in the county in July.
According to Williamson County Prison statistics, 37 cases of coronavirus were reported in January and 4 cases were reported in February, not from March to June.
As of August 23, there were 70 COVID-19 cases in July and 21 in August in prison. This is the latest date the numbers are available.
Last year, when the vaccine was not available, the maximum number of coronaviruses the prison had in the month was 33 in August 2020. The prison began tracking cases of COVID-19 among prisoners on July 19, 2020.
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