More than 41 million cases of dementia have not been diagnosed worldwide – Studies | Dementia
More than 41 million people with dementia worldwide have not yet been diagnosed, according to a report from Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI).
According to experts, being diagnosed with this disease is very important and provides support and treatment to affected people. This is more effective as the disease begins earlier and allows you to participate in clinical trials.
However, according to a study by McGill University in Montreal, Canada, 90% of people with dementia have not been diagnosed in some countries. The rigorous findings revealed in a report released by ADI suggest that more than 41 million cases worldwide remain undiagnosed.
Dementia is one of the biggest health challenges in the world. Globally, the number of people living with it is expected to exceed 130 million by 2050.
Paola Barbarino, CEO of ADI, said the lack of awareness and stigma within the health care system has significantly hindered efforts to help people with dementia.
“This false information in our medical system contributes to surprisingly low diagnostic rates, along with a lack of trained professionals and readily available diagnostic tools,” said a board member of the World Dementia Council. Barbarino, who serves as, said.
She said her biggest concern was that the government was not yet ready for the expected increase in future incidents. “Frankly, progress was too slow,” she said.
Professor Serge Gauthier of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University said he anticipates a “tsunami of diagnostic demand” that tends to put “extreme pressure” on medical systems.
In response to the report, Richard Oakley, head of research at the Alzheimer’s Association, said that many people were “not able to get the help they really needed” because they failed to diagnose all people with dementia. Stated.
He states: “Low diagnosis rates for dementia were already a global problem, but these new numbers indicate the scale of the crisis. For undiagnosed people, this causes stress and confusion, and theirs. It can remain vulnerable to the effects of conditions.
“But current diagnostic tests are often expensive and often inaccessible, and worse, there is still a stigma about getting dementia, which creates additional barriers, especially in some cultures. Was exacerbated by the pandemic. “
Researchers have developed a two-minute computer test that allows Alzheimer’s disease to be diagnosed up to five years earlier than current methods. This allows patients to start taking disease-modifying drugs sooner, the researchers said.
“The tests we’re currently using to diagnose the first 20 years of Alzheimer’s disease mean we’re missing out on a big opportunity to help people,” said Dr. George Stothart of the University of Bath, who led the study. Stated.
The new technology requires participants to see a series of flashing images on their computer screen while wearing electrode caps. The cap detects subtle changes in brain waves that occur when storing images. This is different for people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Studies published in the journal brain This test suggests that healthy elderly people and adults with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease can be distinguished with high accuracy.
“The Holy Grail of such a tool will be a dementia screening tool that will be used by everyone in middle age, regardless of symptoms, much like testing high blood pressure,” Stothart said. .. “We are far from that, but this is a step towards that goal.”
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