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Studies have found that air pollution is likely to cause preterm births up to 6 meters | Air pollution

Studies have found that air pollution is likely to cause preterm births up to 6 meters | Air pollution


Studies show that air pollution can cause up to 6 million preterm births and 3 million underweight babies worldwide each year.

The combined analysis of the results of multiple scientific studies is the first analysis to calculate the combined global burden of outdoor and indoor air pollution.

According to the latest findings, indoor pollution from cooking stoves, which primarily burn solid fuels such as coal and wood, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total pollution burden on pregnancy in 2019. This is especially true in developing regions such as parts of Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

“At the individual level, exposure to indoor air pollution seems to be much more burdensome than at the outdoor level,” he said. Rakesh Ghosh, University of California, San Francisco, epidemiologist and principal investigator of the treatise Published in the journal Plos Medicine.. “Therefore, minimizing exposure to household pollution as much as possible should be part of the message during antenatal care, especially when household pollution is widespread.”

Air pollution is usually measured in response to exposure to particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns. Once inhaled, these particles are so small that they can be absorbed deep into the bloodstream. Causes widespread health problems..

More than 92% of the world’s population live in areas where the quality of the outside air is below the recommended limits set by the World Health Organization, with about 49% Also exposed to high levels of indoor air pollution..

Regions such as South and East Asia are the most polluted, with Bangladesh, China, India and Pakistan There are 49 of the 50 most polluted cities in the world.. In recent years, wildfires, agricultural fires and sandstorms have also caused widespread air pollution.

The cost of air pollution to the world economy Estimated to be over $ 2.9 trillion Every year, in addition to serious damage to public health.

In this study, Ghosh’s team examined 108 research papers on indoor and outdoor contamination in 204 countries that correlate with four major pregnancy risks: gestational age, reduced birth weight, low birth weight, and preterm birth. Did.

After controlling risk factors such as weight during pregnancy, smoking, alcohol use, and nutrition, researchers found that air pollution was a major cause of low birth weight and preterm birth. The latter is the leading cause of 15 million newborn deaths worldwide each year.

Survey results are built About previous research According to Ghosh and colleagues who calculated that air pollution contributed to the deaths of 500,000 newborns worldwide in 2019.

The study calculated that minimizing air pollution in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa could reduce the number of preterm and low birth weight infants by almost 78% worldwide.




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