British Columbia hospital occupancy is well below the pre-pandemic period
77.1% of British Columbia hospital beds are occupied. Before the pandemic, the occupancy exceeded 100%.
The fourth wave of COVID-19 continues to culminate in BC, but hospitals in BC are far from full as they were before the pandemic, as health officials postponed surgery.
Health Minister Adrian Dix said on September 28 that adding BC’s existing beds to the beds added during an emergency pandemic totaled 11,571 beds. Of that, 77.1%. Or 8,927 people were occupied, he said.
Dix disassembled the beds, saying that the state had 9,218 “base beds,” or beds that existed before the pandemic. Another 2,353, which he calls a “surge bed” because it was newly added for emergencies, can strain the system because it requires extra staff time.
British Columbia’s basebeds occupy about 93.4%, while the state’s surge beds occupy 13.3%. Before the pandemic, British Columbia hospitals accounted for about 103%.
Another way to classify BC beds is to segment the beds in the intensive care unit (ICU). Of the BC ICU beds, 510 are considered “base beds” and 218 are “surge beds”. The patient occupies 425 base ICU beds and 28 surge ICU beds, with an overall ICU occupancy of 62.2%.
“We have reduced non-urgent scheduled surgery at some health authorities,” Dix explained why hospitals are more empty than they were before the pandemic.
“Pressures on our hospital continue and surgery continues to be postponed. Our surgical renewal efforts for patients have not changed. You will never be forgotten. You will not be forgotten. You will be called again. We will change the schedule of your surgery. We will ensure that the surgery is performed. “
Hospitalizations in British Columbia have increased, but have recently decreased.
Currently, there are 316 COVID-19 patients in British Columbia hospitals, of whom COVID-19 has been hospitalized less than 10 days after the first symptoms. In some exceptional cases, patients will reach that number up to 20 days after they first experience COVID-19 symptoms.
Another total of patients associated with a COVID-19 pandemic includes patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 but were more than 10 days old after experiencing their first symptoms, so the government called them infectious. I do not consider it. This total includes those who were hospitalized for a different reason than COVID-19 and subsequently became ill. Last week, the government fixed the total number of patients in this group to 152.
People with the most serious COVID-19 infection often enter the ICU. Currently, there are 141 COVID-19 patients in the ICU. This is the same total as yesterday.
Unvaccinated people cause infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
Dix yesterday tweeted a chart showing that 121 (85.8%) of the 141 ICUs were unvaccinated. Another 8 (5.7%) were partially vaccinated and 12 (8.5%) were fully vaccinated.
According to Dix statistics, only one of the 35 ICUs under the age of 50 was completely vaccinated.
Two other British Columbia residents died overnight at COVID-19, increasing the state’s death toll from a pandemic to 1,942.
State Health Officer Bonnie Henry said on September 28, COVID-19 booster, or third vaccine dose Next week it will be given to older people with long-term care and livelihood support..
“For now, most people in the community, most of us, don’t need boost immunity,” she added.
The increase in the number of cases in Fraser Valley is also New restrictions on the eastern part of the Fraser Health region..
There was also A surge in new COVID-19 cases in unvaccinated children..
Health officials have detected an additional 652 infections in the last 24 hours, and the total number of infected people has increased to 185,432 since the first case was detected in January 2020.
Over 95.5% (177,113) of people infected in British Columbia are considered recovered by the state because they are not considered infectious because 10 days have passed since they first felt symptoms.
There are 5,992 people fighting what the state considers to be active infections.
New vaccinations are slowing as the majority of British Columbia citizens are already fully vaccinated.
Health officials have provided 10,135 doses of vaccination to British Columbia residents over the past day, 3,201 to unvaccinated individuals and 6,934 to those in need of a second dose. Data were not available for the third dose, which began to be given to people who were considered to be very vulnerable and immunocompromised.
Of the 4,068,060 BC residents who have been vaccinated once since mid-December 2020, more than 91.8% (3,736,540) have been fully vaccinated with two vaccinations.
British Columbia government in July The total population of the state is 5,147,712Therefore, Glacier Media calculates that more than 79% of British Columbia’s total population has been vaccinated at least once, and more than 72.5% of the state’s total population has been vaccinated twice.
The state believes that 87.8% of eligible British Columbia residents over the age of 12 have been vaccinated at least once, and 80.6% of the population has been fully vaccinated with two vaccinations. ..
On a per capita basis, the areas most hit by new and active infectious diseases remain Northern Health.
According to Glacier Media calculations, the number of new infections per healthy area is as follows per 10,000 residents (including the total number of new cases in parentheses):
• Fraser Health 1.2 (219);
• 0.6 (70) for Vancouver Coastal Health.
• Interior Health 2.2 (162);
• In Northern Health 3.9 (117);
• One in Island Health (82).
People who did not normally live in BC had two new infections
The results by health region for 5,992 people fighting active infections per 10,000 residents (including the total number of new cases in parentheses) are as follows:
• Fraser Health 12.5 (2,249);
• Vancouver Coastal Health (903) 7.2.
• 15.8 (1,176) in Interior Health;
• 31 people (928) in Northern Health.When
• Island Health 8 (677).
Active cases include 58 people who typically live outside British Columbia •
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