WHO recommends vaccines for endangered children
- In 2019, 409,000 people died of malaria.
- Malaria cases are declining, but have recently been stalled.
- The RTS, S / AS01 vaccine is the first and only vaccine to target parasites. Plasmodium falciparum, This is especially deadly and widespread.
- Vaccines represent decades of research and are a major step forward.
In the announcement,
RTS, S / AS01 (RTS, S) vaccines are safe. Since 2019, medical professionals have tried it on 800,000 children in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi.
according to
Approximately 409,000 people died of malaria in 2019, of which 67% (274,000) were children under the age of five. In 2019, 94% of malaria deaths and cases occurred in Africa.
Plasmodium malaria Plasmodium falciparum Especially dangerous — in Africa it accounts for 99.7% of the estimated cases.
People usually experience symptoms 10 to 15 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The initial symptoms are mild, such as headache and fever, and it can be difficult to determine if they are showing malaria. However, these symptoms can quickly be life-threatening without treatment for the first 24 hours.
according to Dr. Matthew B. Lawrence, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Vaccine Development and Global Health Center, Baltimore, Maryland, and Journal of Research Authors Human vaccine and immunotherapyPeople with mild malaria have a less than 1% chance of dying. However, people with severe malaria have a 90% chance of dying at home and a 20% chance of dying when treated in a hospital.
According to Dr. Lawrence, the development of RTS and S vaccines is at an ideal time.
Malaria mortality has declined due to the promotion of more effective controls, but this decline has been stagnant in recent years. The RTS, S vaccine provides hope that mortality will begin to decline again. By 2030, WHO 90% reduction in mortality From the level of May 2015.
WHO Secretary-General,
Dr. Machidiso Moetti, WHO Africa Regional Director added:[f]Or for centuries, malaria struck sub-Saharan Africa, causing enormous personal distress. ”
“We have long wanted an effective malaria vaccine, but for the first time, we recommend that such a vaccine be widely used.”
“Today’s recommendations provide the continent with a faint light of hope. [that] It carries the heaviest burden of illness and hopes that more African children will be protected from malaria and grow into healthy adults, “says Dr. Moetti.
Health professionals give children in high-risk areas four doses of RTS and S vaccines. Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium malaria. Reduces cases of severe malaria by 30%.
Talk to Today’s medical news, Professor Jake BaumThe new vaccine is an important achievement, said the co-director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London, UK.
“Malaria is different from COVID-19. As several panel members revealed in the WHO announcement, it is a complex eukaryotic parasite that resembles one of our own cells. Since it is neither a virus nor a bacterium, it will always be much more difficult to make a vaccine against it — [there are] Thousands of gene pairs [around] A dozen of SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
“It also co-evolved with our immune system and took thousands of years to evade detection, so it’s a solid enemy to try to attack. First approval for malaria as well as human parasitic diseases. As a vaccine, it’s a big achievement. “
“Yes, it’s not as effective as the COVID-19 vaccine, [a] Significant impact on illness and mortality. And it sets a large benchmark that we all can work towards defeating. So I think it was a very important day for vaccination and malaria. It’s certainly a breakthrough in public health, “said Professor Baum.
Professor Baum also said that while there are no other imminent vaccines or treatments for malaria, health professionals are beginning to seek out many potentially effective approaches and techniques.
“Clinical trials of vaccines at various life cycle stages of parasites are underway. [that is, the] Blood Stage and Transmission — RTS, S targets the so-called pre-erythrocyte stage, from the bite to the liver. “
“There are also various vaccine strategies under development. [f]From the whole sporozoite (parasite) to a completely different new innovation. These are at various stages of development. Some have been extensively tried in field trials, while others are still in the lab. RNA vaccine will surely come. “
“RTS, S provides benchmarks to measure the success of all these vaccines, and we argue that diversity is needed. Target diversity, strategy diversity — virus-like Particles, messenger RNA, adenoviruses, proteins, whole parasites — and production diversity — […] not only [in the] Rich north, but domestically [lower to middle income countries] This is to ensure that the distribution is fair and does not interfere with transportation. “
“Vaccine combination or combination with other interventions — [such as] Drugs — can improve efficacy, which will be something to watch carefully in the future. “
“In conclusion, RTS, S is the beginning and not the end of the malaria vaccine research renaissance, which means that funders should consider RTS, S as a starting point for their investment. [the] “Development of a new vaccine,” Baum insisted.
Professor Baum also emphasized how the experience of COVID-19 vaccine development would help in the future development of malaria vaccines. However, some of the problems with fair distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine also need to be resolved.
“The rapidly expanding technology at COVID-19 will undoubtedly lead to improved vaccine production, distribution and delivery in the future, but there are also highlighted challenges. The most clearly fair access. Low. Let’s see how difficult it is to vaccinate middle-income countries with the COVID-19 vaccine. This is something that Malaria must overcome and discusses local manufacturing and local distribution. RTS, S shows how it’s done, which is great, “says Professor Baum.
Professor Baum emphasized that vaccines are an exciting and important development, but more work is needed to minimize the effects of malaria.
“In a world of attention, no one should read the news and think that malaria has been resolved. It’s not. Vaccines are groundbreaking, but never 100%.”
“Malaria control and final eradication [are] Diverse tools and interventions, new drugs, mosquito nets, vector control, absolutely A new vaccine with improved efficacy, longer protection and a simpler vaccination plan. “
“Once again, RTS, S beginning It is not the end of investment in future vaccine and malaria research. “
“A thousand mile journey begins in one step. RTS, S is one very big step,” says Professor Baum.
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