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Covid-19 Booster Shots for Healthcare Professionals, Frontline Workers, and People Over 30, Singapore News & Top Stories

Covid-19 Booster Shots for Healthcare Professionals, Frontline Workers, and People Over 30, Singapore News & Top Stories


Singapore-From Saturday (October 9th), healthcare professionals, frontline workers, and people over the age of 30 will be invited to take Covid-19 vaccine booster shots.

They will participate People aged 50-59 who are receiving booster shots From October 3rd.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said booster jabs will be administered to a group of these people who received a double-dose regimen at least 6 months ago.

“Our health care workers and frontline workers are more likely to come into regular contact with Covid-19 cases during their work and are at increased risk of infection,” he said.

In a statement, the Covid-19 Vaccination Expert Committee stated that the current surge in Covid-19 cases is 1.4 to 2 times more likely to infect healthcare workers and frontline workers. I did.

“In addition, they may take care of vulnerable people, such as the elderly and those with medical conditions,” he added.

People in facilities such as prisons and home care facilities will also receive booster jabs, MOH said. These locations are a densely populated indoor environment and are therefore predisposed to an outbreak of Covid-19.

“We are also working with various institutions to phase out booster immunization to eligible individuals in an institutionalized environment,” the ministry added.

In addition, expanding the booster program to over 30 years of age will help raise the overall level of protection of the population, MOH said.

Experts point out that while double-dose vaccines continue to “provide excellent protection against serious illness,” there is evidence that protection against infection has weakened over time. Did.

Therefore, booster doses help reduce the risk of infection and Covid-19 infection.

At a press conference by the Covid-19 Task Force of multiple ministries, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung data that giving booster jabs to people between the ages of 30 and 49 enhances protection against infections and serious illnesses. Said that is showing.

He added that the risk of serious side effects is low and there is no difference compared to the first two doses.

Starting Saturday, people in this group will receive a text message to make a reservation with a personalized reservation link to the previously registered mobile number for the first two doses. On this website.

They can get booster doses at any vaccination center or participating public health preparation clinic (PHPC).

As of Thursday (October 7th), approximately 372,000 people have been boosted.

Approximately 57% of people between the ages of 50 and 59 and 72% of the elderly over the age of 60 have booked or have already been boosted.

In addition, MOH recommended that moderately and severely immunocompromised individuals be vaccinated with a third mRNA vaccine two months after the second vaccination.

These include people with the following conditions:

-Transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, including solid organ and allogeneic stem cell transplants

-Cancer patients undergoing aggressive treatment with chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapy

-Blood cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia

-Immunosuppressive treatment for non-cancerous conditions

-End-stage renal disease

-Advanced or untreated HIV

These people can be boosted 6 months after the third dose.

Read Next: 10 Things You Should Know About Prime Minister Lee’s Address and Covid-19 Countermeasures




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