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- The New York State Department of Health announced on Monday what it claims to be the largest study in the United States on the type of vaccine and the timing of vaccinations that have been given so far.It sees almost 9 million adult NYers
- Ultimately, researchers found that a slight decrease in vaccine efficacy against breakthrough infections could have been caused by delta mutants and behavioral changes rather than immunological decline.
- Researchers say it supports state health authorities and the CDC’s recommendations for booster administration.The effectiveness of all three vaccines for breakthrough hospitalizations remained totally high
In addition to changes in human behavior regarding masking and other COVID protocols Highly contagious delta variant The epidemic this summer may be more related to reduced vaccine efficacy than immunological decline, according to a survey by the New York State Department of Health on Monday.
A preprinted, unpeer-reviewed study found that all three federal emergency use-licensed vaccines continued to show strong efficacy against reinfection with even greater success in prevention. Significant breakthrough caseThe agency found that it supports targeted booster dosing recommendations with a modest reduction limited to Pfizer and Moderna recipients over the age of 65.
why Outgoing New York State Health Director Dr. Howard Zucker As invoice The largest study in the United States by vaccine type and timing of vaccination Researchers conducted to date have evaluated approximately 9 million adult New Yorkers for potential changes in vaccine efficacy by age, product, and vaccination month.
They examined people vaccinated from January to April 2021 and made a new diagnosis from May to August 2021 compared to those who had never been vaccinated with any of the three vaccines. We examined the level of infection and hospitalization.
Among the top-line survey results:
- Lab-confirmed reductions in vaccine efficacy against COVID infections were found in Moderna (-18 18-49 reduction in vaccine efficacy (50-64 and -9.0% -11.6%)) and Johnson & Johnson recipients (-11.6%). 18-49 -19.2%, 50-64 -10.8% and 65+ -10.9%)
- These declines occurred simultaneously across ages, vaccine types, and timing groups during the weeks of the fastest prevalence of Delta strains in New York and the country.Pfizer’s recipients saw the largest reduction in the three vaccines during that period
- As Delta exceeded the prevalence of 85% among all New York COVID strains, their variance leveled off. Recently, some groups had higher levels of protection for vaccinated people, but there was a slight, continuous decline in the elderly. This suggests that certain variants and less strong personal preventive actions contributed significantly to the reduced effectiveness.
- Vaccine efficacy for hospitalization in adults aged 18-64 years remains above 86% over age and does not tend to trend over time. Among patients aged 65 years and older, Pfizer (95% to 89.2%) and Moderna (97.2% to 94.1%) recipients were less effective from May to August. J & J recipients were generally less effective in the range of 85.5% to 82.8%, with no differences related to study duration.
Vaccine efficacy and infections by type, age, timing
Vaccine efficacy and hospitalization by type, age, timing
“This latest study, conducted here by renowned scientists here at DOH, examines detailed changes in vaccine efficacy classified by all three COVID-19 vaccine types currently approved for use in the United States. Is the largest, “said senior author Zucker. The study stated in a statement announcing its release.
“This is a clear indication of what we’ve been saying. Vaccination with COVID-19 is the best way to get out of this pandemic, and New Yorkers prevent serious illness and hospitalization. It’s the best way to do it, “he added.
Dr. Eli Rosenberg of the Ministry of Health, the lead author of the study, said the study supports the need for vaccine booster doses, especially in the elderly. He said there was evidence of reduced effectiveness of the initial vaccine against reinfection in young people, but it leveled off as Delta established its dominance.
“In summary, this suggests that continued decline in protection may not be a current concern for adults under the age of 65,” Rosenberg said.
Currently, Pfizer is the only manufacturer of vaccine boosters approved by the federal government for emergency use in the United States. Johnson & Johnson applied for an emergency use authorization for the vaccine booster last week. FDA Later this week, we’ll discuss the benefits of both J & J and Moderna boosters.
For more information Who is currently the target of the booster effect here in New York? Get answers to the most frequently asked questions in those shots here..
New York Debuted the first public COVID breakthrough and variant tracker The end of last month. At the time of the latest update, the state reported breakthrough COVID cases identified in 95,146 laboratories. This represents only 0.8% of the fully vaccinated eligible population.Reported 6,567 breakthrough hospitalizations among its eligible population (0.06%) As of October 3 Similarly.
State dashboards support researchers’ claims in this latest study that vaccine efficacy declined with respect to breakthrough infections until at least mid-July, but then declined. The effectiveness of the vaccine for breakthrough hospitalizations remained consistently strong in the face of delta mutations.
The variant accounted for 99.8% of all confirmed COVID cases sequenced in New York during the last two-week study period (September 12-25), an increase from 99.5% in the previous two weeks. The state data shows. The prevalence of Delta soared in July, but has been consistent over the last few months.
Obviously, as Zucker and colleagues say, the risk of unvaccinated New Yorkers is much higher than that of vaccinated New Yorkers, regardless of age or duration of study.
During the week of September 13, the latest period available on the state dashboard, fully vaccinated New Yorkers could have COVID-19 cases compared to unvaccinated New Yorkers. It was 78.6% lower. This is compared to the 91.9% difference in the week of May 3, which was before the exponential growth of the Delta.
For COVID hospitalization, fully vaccinated New Yorkers were 89.7% to 95.2% less likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated New Yorkers throughout the analysis period.
To date, more than 76% of New Yorker’s adult population has been fully vaccinated, and 85.1% of adults in the state have been vaccinated at least once. Among eligible individuals, children aged 12 to 15 can complete the series compared to the following two cohorts (62.9% for 16 to 25 years and 65.5% for 26 to 34 years): It is much less sexual (54%). Almost two-thirds of children aged 12 to 15 receive at least one dose.
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