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Oregon has reported an additional 24 COVID-19-related deaths. One is from Crook County. 1,237 new cases

Oregon has reported an additional 24 COVID-19-related deaths.  One is from Crook County. 1,237 new cases

OHA releases groundbreaking report on new vaccines and other vaccination data

Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-There were 24 new COVID-19-related deaths in Oregon, increasing the state’s death to 4,141, the Oregon Department of Health reported Thursday.

The Central Oregon Department of Health reported that one of the dead reported Thursday was a resident of Crook County, increasing the death toll to 45, along with 122 in Deschutes County and 50 in Jefferson County.

OHA also reported 1,237 new confirmed estimated cases of COVID-19 at 12:01 am on Thursday, bringing the state to a total of 347,616.

OHA Releases Breakthrough Report on New COVID-19 Vaccine

In the latest OHA update on breakthrough cases of COVID-19, published Thursday, 72.8% of the 9,141 COVID-19 cases reported between October 3 and October 9 were unvaccinated. It turned out that it occurred in the inoculated people.

There are 2,490 groundbreaking cases, accounting for 27.2% of all cases.

The average age of breakthrough cases during that period was 47 years. Sixty-five breakthrough cases involved residents of long-term care facilities, elderly living communities, or other collective long-term care facilities. There were 122 groundbreaking incidents for people between the ages of 12 and 17.

To date, there have been 30,687 breakthrough cases of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon. The average age of all cases is 48 years. Breakthrough cases have been reported in all 36 counties.

“Cases of COVID-19 are much more common in unvaccinated people,” OHA said. “Reportedly, the proportion of COVID-19 in unvaccinated people is now about 3.5 times that of vaccinated people.”

To date, 4.4% of breakthrough vaccine cases have been hospitalized and 1% have died. The average age of death for vaccinated individuals was 81 years.

“Vaccination continues to be the most effective tool for reducing the spread of COVID-19,” the agency said. “The number of breakthrough cases of the vaccine identified in Oregon remains very low compared to more than 2.75 million Oregons who received at least one COVID-19 vaccine.”

Latest groundbreaking report You can find it here..

This week, OHA added three new features to its groundbreaking report. Data such as the number of breakthrough cases and their severity are now available from vaccine manufacturers. The report also shows the number of Oregons vaccinated with each vaccine and the number of breakthrough cases per 100,000 vaccinated people.

In addition, OHA has expanded its demographic data to include breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and mortality races and ethnicities.

Finally, OHA has added a new map showing cumulative breakthroughs in each county. In general, breakthrough cases correspond to population size, vaccination coverage, and overall number of cases.

Weekly pediatric dashboard updates

OHA released the latest on Thursday Pediatric COVID-19 Case Data Dashboard Report In Oregon.

This dashboard replaces the previous report and is published every Thursday with the latest full week’s data.

The new dashboard shows case and vaccination information by age group

On Thursday OHA unveiled a new weekly dashboard with a title Oregon COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Story.. The agency has developed this dashboard to highlight the case trends of COVID-19 as vaccination rates increase.

The dashboard shows the number of cases and hospitalization rates for COVID-19, the mortality rate associated with COVID-19, and the percentage of Oregons who received at least one COVID-19 vaccine.

Specifically, OHA compared the fall 2020 and spring 2021 surges at peaks under 65 and over 65. According to the data, the peak case rate per 100,000 people aged 65 and over was 66% lower during the spring 2021 surge than during the fall 2020 surge. In people under the age of 65, who were later broadly vaccinated, the peak case rate during the spring 2021 surge was 38% lower than the fall 2020 surge.

The dashboard shows similar comparisons of hospitalizations and deaths by age group during the surge in fall 2020 and spring 2021.this is Population level analysis, not individual risk assessment. Observing trends such as low hospitalization rates for a particular age group does not mean that all individuals in that group avoid hospitalization or death after being infected with COVID-19.

Due to the continuing surge in the summer of 2021, it is still impossible to fully analyze its impact. This analysis will be updated as more data becomes available.

See for additional insights. Oregon COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Story Dashboard. You can use the Search Data feature to create your own graph of COVID-19 cases, severe cases, and the proportion of Oregon people vaccinated over time.

COVID-19 hospitalized

The number of patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon is 575, 20 fewer than Wednesday. There are 146 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) bed, one more than Wednesday.

There are 56 adult ICU beds (8% availability) out of a total of 685 and 289 adult non-ICU beds (7% availability) out of 4,094.

October 14, 2021 Beds available (and percentage of staffed beds available)
State-wide Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 9
Adult ICU bed available 56 (8%) 26 (7%) 2 (2%) 9 (10%) 7 (12%) 2 (20%) 3 (6%) 7 (27%)
Adult non-ICU beds available 289 (7%) 64 (3%) 8 (1%) 56 (10%) 53 (12%) 8 (16%) 47 (12%) 53 (45%)

The total number of patients in bed can fluctuate during reporting times. This number does not reflect the number of hospital stays or length of stay per day. This data does not include personnel limits and may further limit bed capacity.

Note: Do not visit the emergency department for a COVID-19 test unless you need emergency treatment for your symptoms...

Oregon’s emergency department is under heavy burden in response to the current surge in can Find the test here..

If you have a medical condition that does not require emergency care, contact your health care provider. The emergency medical center will also help you get the medical care you need and save the emergency department from the additional burden.

Learn more about hospital capacity...

Vaccination in Oregon

OHA reported Thursday that a new dose of 12,696 COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state’s immune registries on Wednesday. Of the total, 1,071 was the first dose, 1,206 was the second dose, and 3,624 was the third and booster doses. The remaining 6,760, which was administered the day before, was registered in the vaccine registry on Wednesday.

Currently, the 7-day moving average is 10,301 times per day.

Oregon is currently receiving Pfizer Community 3,144,034 doses, Modana 1,926,449 doses, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine 221,987 doses.

As of Thursday, 2,779,073 people have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine at least once, and 2,563,481 have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series.

These data are tentative and subject to change.

Updated vaccination data will be provided at COVID-19, Oregon Data dashboard Updated on Thursday.

Medical and public health professionals decide when to recommend boosters

This week, the US Food and Drug Administration will consider whether to recommend boosters to individuals who have been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson and Modana’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The decision to recommend booster immunization to people receiving these vaccines depends on how important the weakening of each vaccine is. Like the Pfizer vaccine, Vaccine and related biopharmaceutical advisory board (VRBPAC) may decide that only a specific group of people need a booster. Some people may have a faster weakening of their immunity than others. This may mean that people who are immune should be given boosters to boost their immunity.

VRBPAC members will hear presentations of data from companies that manufacture these vaccines. We will also consider FDA-specific data analysis. They examine data showing whether individuals who receive the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines individually have significantly reduced immunity, and whether additional immune doses significantly increase immunity. After that, individual decisions are made for each vaccine.

Once VRBPAC is decided, the Commission will make recommendations to the FDA. If the FDA decides to recommend a booster, the decision will be reviewed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Advisory Committee on Immunization Implementation (ACIP). ACIP is an independent committee of medical and public health professionals. Before making a recommendation, ACIP will review all available clinical trial information, including the following description.

  • Who has the highest risk of COVID-19, especially the more severe illness?
  • Who was vaccinated (age, race, ethnicity, Fundamental medical condition).
  • How different groups responded to the vaccine
  • Side effects that people had

Later this month, VRBPAC will also consider whether the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine will be granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for children ages 5-11. Use the same process to decide whether to recommend this vaccine to children.

You can read more about this Oregon Vaccine News.

How are vaccine recommendations implemented in Oregon?

Cases and death from COVID-19

Newly confirmed estimated COVID-19 cases reported Thursday were Baker (11), Benton (26), Clackamas (87), Kratsop (7), Colombia (8), Couse (27), Crook (37). ) Is in the county. ), Curry (3), Deschutz (136), Douglas (39), Grant (10), Harney (13), Hood River (10), Jackson (56), Jefferson (21), Josephine (16), Klamath ( 48), Lake (6), Lane (93), Lincoln (11), Lynn (22), Marul (33), Marion (98), Morrow (4), Multnomah (132), Pork (37), Tillamook ( 6), Umatilla (75), Union (11), Wallowa (7), Wasco (25), Washington (88), Wheeler (5), Yamhill (29).

Note: More details about deaths and cases will be included in the follow-up news release.

Details of COVID-19 vaccination

For more information on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon, see the OHA web page (English Also Spanish), Distribution and other information breakdown.




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