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New Brunswick reports 2 deaths and 87 new cases of COVID-19

New Brunswick reports 2 deaths and 87 new cases of COVID-19
New Brunswick reports 2 deaths and 87 new cases of COVID-19



The New Brunswick Public Health Service confirmed on Friday afternoon that COVID-19 resulted in two more deaths, increasing the total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to 84.

“Sadly, two more people died. Do everything you can to reduce the spread of the virus and protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community,” Brain Higgs said in a news release. Must be. ” “It’s encouraging to see the ever-increasing number of New Brands Wickers receiving the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

People over the age of 90 who lived in Zone 3 (Fredericton area) and people in their 70s who lived in Zone 4 (Edmundston area) are recent victims of the new coronavirus in New Brunswick.

“I sympathize with the two families who are saddened by the loss of their loved ones,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, the state’s highest medical officer. “It is important to remember that being vaccinated and following public health measures is the best defense against the spread of the virus. Choosing not to be vaccinated with COVID-19 will result in infection and hospitalization. The risk increases. “

In New Brunswick, 60 people are hospitalized for the virus, 18 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

“Of the hospitalized patients, 31 have not been vaccinated, 6 have been partially vaccinated and 23 have been fully vaccinated,” public health said in a news release. Said in. “Of the 18 people in the intensive care unit, 16 are unvaccinated and 2 are partially vaccinated.”

Public health also reported 87 new cases of COVID-19 and 124 recovery on Friday, reducing the number of active cases to 1,064.

Of the new cases, 52% or 60% are unvaccinated, 9% or 10% are partially vaccinated, and 26% or 30% are fully vaccinated.

State expands rapid inspection program

Those who live in the circuit breaker area and have no symptoms of COVID-19 will be able to receive a free rapid test kit from Saturday.

Kits are available at the following locations from 8 am to 5 pm:

  • Magic Mountain Parking, 150 Magic Mountain Road, Moncton
  • Perth-Andover Middle School, 20 Nissen St., Perth-Andover
  • City Hall (rear parking lot), 131 Pleasant St., Grand Falls

Starting Monday, takeaway test kits will be open to the public at the following locations throughout the state:

  • Greater Moncton Health Center, 150 Edmonton Avenue, Moncton (Moncton to Thursday 3 pm to 9 pm, Friday 1 pm to 5 pm, Saturday 9 am to noon)
  • Cocagne Health Clinic, 4813 Rte. 134, Cocagne (Monday to Thursday 8 am to 10 am, 2 pm to 4 pm, Friday 8 am to noon)
  • Moncton, 380 Macnaughton Avenue (Monday-Friday 10 am-6pm)
  • Edmundston Regional Hospital, 275 Hébert Blvd. , Edmanston (Monday to Friday 2 pm to 4 pm)
  • Haut-Madawaska Medical Clinic, 809 Principale St., Clair (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1 pm to 3:30 pm)
  • Grand Falls General Hospital, 625 Everard H. Daigle Blvd., Grand Falls (Monday-Friday 8 am-4pm)
  • Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Josephde Saint-Quentin, 21 Canada St., Saint-Quentin (2 pm-5pm daily)
  • EL Murray Medical Clinic, 3 Stanley St., Campbellton (Monday to Friday 2 pm to 4 pm)
  • St. Joseph Community Health Center, 280 Victoria St., Dalhousie (Monday-Friday noon-3pm)
  • Shediac Community Medical Center, 419 Main St., Shediac (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
  • Jakit River Health Center, 41 Mack St., Belledune (Monday to Friday 1 pm to 3:30 pm)
  • Chaleur Regional Hospital, 1750 Sunset Blvd., Bassert (Monday to Saturday 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  • Enfant-Jésus RHSJ Hospital, 1 Saint-Pierre Boulevard W., Caraquet (Monday-Friday 1 pm-4pm)
  • Tracadi Hospital, 400 Des Hospitalières St. , Tracady (1 pm to 3 pm daily)
  • La mèque Hospitalland Community Health Center, 29 Del’Hôpital St. , Lamèque (Monday to Friday noon to 3:00 pm)
  • Paquetville Health Center, 1096 Du Parc St., Paquetville (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 am-4pm, Wednesday 1 pm-4pm)
  • Saint-Isidore Community Health Center, 3973-1 Des Fondateurs Blvd., Saint-Isidore (Monday to Friday 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm)
  • St. James Theres Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd. , Rothesay (Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm)
  • Exhibition Hall, 361 Smythe St., Fredericton (Monday-Friday 10 am-6pm)
  • Miramichi, 365 Wellington Street (Monday-Friday 10 am-6pm)

“Public health has distributed more than one million rapid test kits throughout the state,” Russell said. “We use them in long-term care facilities and schools, and the local chamber of commerce distributes them to businesses.”

The Rapid Laboratory Screening Program is intended for people over 2 years of age who are asymptomatic and have not been identified as close contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

“Anyone who has a positive result on a rapid test, it is important to have a lab-based PCR test at the evaluation center to confirm the result,” Russell said.

Vaccination renewal

Public health reported on Friday that 82.1 percent of eligible New Brunswickers were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and 91.2 percent received the first dose of the vaccine.

If you haven’t taken the first or second dose yet Walk-in clinic Book an appointment via or Participating pharmacies Or at Vitalité or Horizon Health Network Clinic..

Eligible New Brands Wicker can schedule a second dose at least 28 days after the first dose.

List of upcoming mobile clinics and walk-in clinics Available online..

Cases confirmed at school

Positive COVID-19 cases have been identified in schools in Zones 1 (Moncton), 2 (St. John), 3 (Fredericton), 4 (Edmundston), and 5 (Campbellton).

The school has been notified and if you or your family are in close contact with the case, public health or the school or facility will notify you about contact tracing.

“If you are not notified directly, you are not identified as a close contact,” public health said in a news release.

New Brunswick Healthy and safe school guidelines Schools with cases stipulate that online learning may be terminated or transitioned for at least one calendar day to support contact tracing, risk assessment, and operational response.

The list of schools where cases have been confirmed is as follows.

  • Zone 1 (Moncton area) – New cases have been identified and previously affected at Forest Glen School and Northrop Frye School in Moncton.
  • Zone 2 (St. John area) – The incident was confirmed at St. Stephen High School.
  • Zone 3 (Fredericton area) – A new case has been identified at a previously affected Liverpool Street Elementary School.
  • Zone 4 (Edmanston area) – Previously affected Saint-Quentin Polyvalente AJ Savoie and École Régionale-de-Saint-André identified one or more new cases.
  • Zone 5 (Campbellton area) – A new case has been identified at Sugar Loaf High School in Campbellton.

Since September 7, cases of COVID-19 have been identified in 99 schools and 53 early learning and childcare facilities.

Regional breakdown of new cases

Here is a breakdown of the 87 new cases.

  • 29 new cases in Zone 1 (Moncton area), including 11 people under the age of 19.
  • Nine new cases in Zone 2 (St. John region).
  • 17 new cases in Zone 3 (Fredericton region).
  • 16 new cases in Zone 4 (Edmanston region).
  • 13 new cases in Zone 5 (Campbellton area).

Three new cases in Zone 6 (Bassert region).

For additional information, COVID-19 dashboard..

Potential public exposure

If you have viral symptoms, or Possibility of publication Site, you are prompted to Request a test online Get a reservation.

A map of potential public exposure COVID-19 dashboard..




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