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Replacing sedentary time with sleep and physical activity makes you feel better and lowers your BMI


Seating many was a challenge for many of us, even before the state started issuing home orders. Despite interruptions in our daily work and exercise routines, there are some subtle changes we can make at home to help improve our mental health.

New research published by American Journal of Preventive MedicineReplacing long periods of sedentary time with sleep is associated with reduced stress, improved mood, and reduced body mass index (BMI), and substitution of light physical activity improves mood and reduced BMI the following year. I found it relevant. Jacob Mayer, lead writer and associate professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, says light activities include walking to the home office while talking on the phone or standing in the middle of preparing dinner.

People may not even consider some of these activities as physical activity. Light activity is much less intense than going to the gym or walking to work, but performing these steps to eliminate long sitting can have an impact. “

Jacob Meyer, lead author and associate professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University

Meyer and colleagues used data collected as part of an energy balance study at the University of South Carolina. Participants in the study for 10 days, aged 21 to 35, wore armbands that track energy consumption. Meyer, director of the Wellbeing and Exercise Lab in Iowa, said the data will enable researchers to objectively measure sleep, physical activity, and sedentary time, rather than relying on self-reports. States.

In addition to the benefits of sleep and light physical activity, researchers have found that moderate to vigorous activity is associated with lower body fat and BMI. Given the negative health effects of prolonged sedentary time, Meyer said the findings could encourage people to make small, sustainable changes.

“It may be easier to change your behavior if you feel it is feasible and does not require major changes,” Meyer said. “Replacing sedentary time with housework and other light activity may be more consistent than going for an hour’s run.”

Increasing sleep is another relatively easy change. Instead of waking up late at night on television, Mayer said he could get several benefits by getting up early and getting up at a certain time, and healed. Sleep is also when you are not engaged in other potentially problematic behaviors, such as eating junk food while sitting in front of the screen.

What can be controlled

Studies have shown that adding these subtle changes improves your mood, but even mild physical activity was effective for up to a year. The study was conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but Meyer says the results are timely, given the growing concern for mental health during this period of physical distance.

“Since everything is happening right now, this is one thing we can control or manage and it can help our mental health,” Meyer said.

As the state begins to relax restrictions on staying at home, Meyer notes the potentially interesting consequences of changes in physical activity and sitting time for those who exercise regularly before a pandemic. Preliminary data from another study show a 32% reduction in physical activity. The questions he and his colleagues want to answer are how current changes in activity interact with mental health, and how our behavior continues to change over time.


See journal:

Meyer, J.D. , other (2020) The current and one-year psychological and physical consequences of replacing sedentary time with other behavioral times. American Journal of Preventive Medicine..


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