How to tell if your child has a cold, flu, RSV or COVID-19
Our second official pandemic winter is approaching, but experts say Warns that the flu season can be cruel this year, Coronavirus is still a concern for most Americans. Especially for parents of children who are too young to be vaccinated with COVID-19. Parents may be worried when the temperature drops and the respiratory virus begins to circulate with the coronavirus. Here, the doctor addresses concerns such as when I can tell if my child has the flu, COVID-19, a common cold, or RSV. What are the signs and symptoms? When should I call the doctor?
How can I tell if my child is infected with COVID-19?
according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 hospitalization rates are significantly lower in children than in sick adults. The child may have many symptoms or be asymptomatic. In any case, be careful if your child tests positive for COVID-19. “Risk factors can spread to someone else at a much higher risk,” said Dr. Dane Snyder, head of primary care pediatrics at the National Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
The CDC emphasizes that children can become infected with severe cases of COVID-19 and be hospitalized. Snyder tells parents to be aware of the loss of taste and smell in their children, as it is the biggest difference between influenza and COVID-19. He also warned parents to monitor their symptoms, saying “there is a unique syndrome with children called MIS that usually occurs weeks after a child is infected with COVID.”
MIS-C is an abbreviation for pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a condition that can cause “a very serious illness in children later”. Snyder said the condition is unique to COVID-19 and should be noted as it is not “very often seen by other illnesses” by doctors and medical professionals.
Dr. Flor Munoz, an associate professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases at the Texas Children’s Hospital, recommends that children be tested if they show any COVID-19 symptoms. It is very important to be tested, “especially because it is difficult to tell the difference between RSV, flu and COVID-19”.
The long-term effects of coronavirus among children are still being investigated. The coronavirus vaccine is not yet available for children under the age of 12, but an emergency authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is expected in the next few days for children ages 5-11.
Influenza and coronavirus share many symptoms. The following is a list of characteristic COVID-19 symptoms, especially in children.
Symptoms of COVID-19 in children:
- heat.
- Loss of taste and smell.
- My body hurts.
- Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (Ongoing fever, abdominal pain, red eye, diarrhea, dizziness, skin rash, vomiting).
- Gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.
When to call the doctor:
It is important to notify your doctor if your child is in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. If your child tests positive for COVID-19, Snyder recommends that you remain quarantined for the entire quarantine period and “follow the health department and CDC guidelines and policies,” as specified by the CDC. To do.
What is RSV?
RS virus, More commonly known as RSVIs a virus that spreads from person to person when an infected individual touches another individual. This is a seasonal virus that is usually prevalent in winter.
Like many other viruses, RSV performs its course and disappears spontaneously in adults. “All of us adults probably got it somewhere, and it’s just like a cold. We’ll get over it within a few days,” said a medical correspondent at NBC News. Dr. John Torres Said today.. Nevertheless, medical professionals are particularly interested in the spread of the virus among young children. “For vulnerable babies, premature babies under 6 months of age, and babies with respiratory or immune system problems, it can be serious and even fatal,” Torres added.
“The problem is that you have more problems with your lower respiratory tract, which increases your risk for young babies,” Munoz said today.
In other words, when infected with RSV, babies are at greater risk because they are more likely to develop bronchiolitis, which is “caused by the virus causing inflammation and narrowing of the airways.”
There is no current vaccine to prevent the spread of RSV. According to experts, the most effective way to prevent further spread of the virus is to wash your hands frequently, disinfect all toys and avoid congestion as much as possible. Munoz also recommends that parents prevent other adults from kissing their children (but hugs are okay!).
“The best way to prevent the development of RSV is to do what you normally do to prevent other respiratory viruses: wash your hands,” says Munoz.
Symptoms of RSV:
RSV shares many of the same symptoms as a common cold or flu. Snuffs, coughs, and low-grade fever are common. Therefore, be aware of the following additional symptoms:
- Dyspnea or rapid breathing.
- Wheezing.
- Respiratory contraction.
- Blue or gray skin color.
- Nasal congestion.
- heat.
Toddlers and toddlers can show different signs of RSV. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infants may feel tired, show little interest in activity, become irritable, and show signs of dyspnea. Older children can experience similar problems, but experts say that widespread breathing problems commonly cause blue lips. If you experience any of these symptoms, take your child to the emergency room immediately.
When to call the doctor:
If your child’s skin is discolored or shows respiratory problems such as dyspnea or wheezing, then severe cases of RSV can develop further into bronchiolitis, so soon You will be asked to notify your doctor. Or pneumonia.
If your child’s case is mild, it is important to continue hydration, clear the stuffy nose, and continue to monitor more serious symptoms.
What you need to know about colds:
When the children got sick, Snyder said that most of the time the criminal was a common cold.
“Probably the most common colds caused by the non-COVID-19 virus are the most common ones we see,” he said. At this time of the year, experts say it’s not uncommon for children to catch colds from school, in large numbers, or simply devastated. “Colds are one of the most common colds in children in both primary care offices and the emergency care department,” says Snyder.
According to Snyder, it’s not clear when the children will get rid of the cold, but it can last up to 3-5 days and more serious symptoms such as coughing can last for weeks. I have.
There is no cure or specific way to treat a child’s cold. According to experts, colds are “very common in the first few years of life” and “the average child can catch a cold 6 to 8 times a year.”
Cold symptoms:
- Nasal congestion.
- cough.
- sore throat.
- Mild or low-grade fever.
- Body aches, including headaches.
- Malaise.
- Decreased appetite.
Snyder warns parents to carefully monitor their children to see if their symptoms progress.
When to call the doctor:
Snyder recommends that you contact your GP immediately if you begin to notice more serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, inability to hydrate, or infrequent urination.
What will be Influenza season from 2021 to 2022 Will it look like?
Influenza, or influenza, is a common virus that affects the nasal passages, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads primarily when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks. Although unlikely, if an infected person touches something and then another person touches it in the eyes, nose, or mouth, the flu can also spread through the surface.
Influenza seasonIt starts as early as mid-November and can be as late as March, but this year it is expected to look a bit different, mixed with the ongoing COVID-19 Delta variant. To protect your child, experts emphasize that getting your child to get the flu vaccine is the most effective tool. Snyder emphasized to his parents that “flu vaccination is safe for all children” over the age of six months.
If your child has the flu, Munoz recommends contacting your primary care physician that “there are various types of antiviral drugs that are specifically related to the flu.”
Influenza symptoms:
Symptoms of the flu vary from person to person, but the most common signs are:
- heat.
- cough.
- sore throat.
- Nasal congestion.
- Malaise.
- My body hurts.
- diarrhea.
Munos said he was wary of further complications because the flu “certainly could lead to secondary infections such as pneumonia.”
When to call the doctor:
As with a cold, it is advisable to contact your doctor if your child’s symptoms persist for more than the specified 5 days. “If you can’t get enough water or have difficulty breathing,” Snyder said. He reminded his parents that the younger the child, the more likely he was to contact his GP.
Munoz should feel comfortable calling a doctor whenever parents are concerned or feel something is wrong, especially because the flu is “very, very contagious”. I emphasized that there is.
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