Maine reports 862 new cases of COVID-19 in 3 days
Maine reported 862 new cases of COVID-19 in three days on Tuesday, killing an additional 12 people.
Hospitalizations on Tuesday also increased. This is due to a continuing pandemic in Maine, primarily caused by viruses that spread to unvaccinated populations.
The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not report cases on weekends, so the number of cases on Tuesday reflects cases recorded on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, 105,121 COVID-19s have been recorded in Maine, killing 1,179 people.
7-day average There were 467 new cases daily on Tuesday. It was 462.1 a week ago and 607.7 a month ago. Cumberland County, the most vaccinated county in Maine, has the lowest number of cases, with a total of 156.3 in 7 days per 100,000 population. Somerset, the least vaccinated county in Maine, had the highest total number of COVID-19 infections over a 7-day period, at 497.2 per 100,000 population. The immunization rate in Cumberland County is 79.9% of the total population and the immunization rate in Somerset County is 59.9%. The state-wide average is 70 percent.
The overall prevalence of virus in Maine is the 17th highest in the country, with 35 new cases per 100,000 population nationwide, compared to an average of 35 new cases per 100,000 population over a 7-day period. According to the Maine CDC, the virus has spread primarily to unvaccinated populations, making the vaccine widely available to people who have not yet spread the vaccine, resulting in 88% of all cases. ..
Hospitalizations are also increasing, with 216 people in Maine hospitalized for COVID-19 on Tuesday, up from 203 two weeks ago. On Tuesday, 79 COVID-19 patients received critical care and 41 were on mechanical ventilation. About 70% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated patients.
Meanwhile, Maine is preparing for final approval by federal regulators this week. Vaccines for children 5-11 years.. Pharmacies, clinics and school clinics will probably be launched shortly to “shoot” later this week.
“The initial allocation of the COVID-19 vaccine for ages 5-11 in Maine (this week) is expected to be 33,900 doses, which provides about 42% of Maine residents with the first dose. That’s enough. The US CDC has licensed the Pfizer vaccine for that age group, “said Robert Long, a spokesman for the CDC in Maine. “Maine pharmacies and federal programs may receive additional doses. Subsequent allocations will arrive weekly.”
In a series of tweets Monday, CDC Director of Maine, Dr. Nirave Shah, described the science behind elementary school vaccines and the risks of complications that are often discussed in the media: myocarditis and the heart. .. Inflammation-Very rare.
“The risk of myocarditis is much lower with vaccines than with COVID,” says Shah. “Risk of myocarditis due to COVID-19 (infectious disease) About 150 per 100,000 COVID patients. Therefore, the risk of myocarditis is about one-fifteenth that of a vaccine. Than from the COVID itself. “
Shah said the vaccine is safe and effective for adults and children.
“All the pediatricians, family doctors, and nurse practitioners I talked to say they will vaccinate their children as soon as the vaccine is available,” Shah said. “These are professionals entrusted with the care of children, so why not trust them in this?”
The US CDC Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday to decide whether to recommend a vaccine, which is one of the final regulatory measures. If approved, shots can be managed immediately on Wednesday or Thursday.
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