COVID-19: Coweta reports 71 new cases, 9 new deaths
(Editor’s Note: Tuesday numbers were not available at the time of the press, and as a result, all numbers were for Monday, November 1st.)
The number of COVID-19 cases in Coweta County increased to 12,729 on Monday, and 71 new infections have been identified since October 26.
As of Monday, a total of 334 people had died in Coweta, and nine new deaths were reported last week. According to the DPH, as of Monday’s report, there are an additional 32 chances of death from COVID-19 and hospitalization is 808 (+15).
Coweta also reported a total of 8,110 antigen-positive * tests, an increase of 15 from October 26th. Antigen positivity is not included in the total number of confirmed cases of DPH based on molecular (polymerase chain reaction, or PCR) tests. However, antigen-positive tests strongly indicate COVID-19 infection.
Throughout Georgia, DPH reported a total of 1,265,539 confirmed cases (5,277 from October 26) and a total of 370,786 antigen-positive tests (+1,711) on Monday.
The state reported a total of 24,876 confirmed deaths from COVID-19, including 367 new deaths since October 26. Another estimated death of 4,298 people from COVID-19 in Georgia was also reported on Tuesday.
Since the onset of the health crisis, a total of 86,417 people have been admitted to Georgia hospitals for COVID-19 treatment, of which 13,515 have been admitted to the intensive care unit.
According to statistics posted by DPH on Tuesday, a total of 12,446,036 molecular tests for active infections have been conducted at drive-through sites and facilities throughout the state, with a current positive rate of 10.3 percent. *** ***
A total of 663,163 serological tests of antibodies from previous infections were performed state-wide with a positive rate of 27.1 percent.
* PCR test-processed in the laboratory-looks for genetic material in the virus. Antigen testing (usually processed in the care provider’s office) is a rapid test that looks for specific proteins found on the surface of the virus. Antigen positivity is a strong indication of COVID-19 infection, but false negative results have been occasionally reported among people who are actually infected with the disease.
** This number was reported to DPH as an antigen-positive individual, or suffering from a compatible illness and died by a healthcare provider or coroner / coroner, or indicated COVID-19. Causes of death include individuals who are known to be in close contact with the cases identified by the death certificate. Also, if there is evidence that COVID-19 contributed to the death of an individual, or if there is an individual with a death certificate that indicates COVID-19 as the cause of death, evidence of SARS-CoV-2 is available. It may not be included.
*** The number of positive tests is not the same as the number of cases. Some tests may not be reported to DPH through electronic test reports, and the numbers may include multiple tests performed on the same individual.
County in the vicinity of Coweta (after October 26):
Cases and deaths are cumulative.
Carroll County – 10,003 confirmed cases (+36), 6,376 antigen-positive cases (+11), 156 confirmed deaths (+2), and 152 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 387 (+1).
Fayette County – 9,721 confirmed cases (+56), 3,465 antigen-positive cases (+20), 211 confirmed deaths (+3), and 24 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 607 (+13).
Fulton County – 111,525 confirmed cases (+478), 20,578 antigen-positive cases (+66), 1,638 confirmed deaths (+23), and 142 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 7,289 (+97).
Heard county – 1,033 confirmed cases (+2), 437 antigen-positive cases, 24 confirmed deaths, and 13 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 62.
Meriwether County – 2,190 confirmed cases (+7), 775 antigen-positive tests (+4), 97 confirmed deaths, and 14 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 222 (+5).
Spalding County – 6,759 confirmed cases (+29), 3,573 antigen-positive cases (+17), 265 confirmed deaths (+10), and 44 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 638 (+10).
Troup County – 8,532 confirmed cases (+27), 2,301 antigen-positive cases (+5), 260 confirmed deaths (+1), and 48 estimated deaths. Hospitalization: 638 (+1).
For more information and statistics on outbreaks in Georgia, please visit: https: // -… ..
Diseases in the United States and around the world
COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and was identified after health officials reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in late 2019 to the World Health Organization.
Since then, more than 243 million people have been infected with COVID-19 in 235 countries, territories and territories, and more than 4.9 million have died, WHO said.
More than 745,000 COVID-19-related deaths and more than 46 million confirmed infections, including 127,217 new cases and 1,301 new deaths, between Monday and Tuesday, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reported in the United States.
Coweta County Medical History
March 2020: 32 cases, 2 died
April 2020: 154 new cases, 2 new deaths
May 2020: 221 new cases, 5 new deaths
June 2020: 251 new cases, 6 new deaths
July 2020: 620 new cases, 4 new deaths
August 2020: 953 new cases, 7 new deaths
September 2020: 362 new cases, 21 new deaths
October 2020: 327 new cases, 16 new deaths
November 2020: 640 new cases, 5 new deaths
December 2020: 1,620 new cases, 10 new deaths
January 2021: 1,866 new cases, 31 new deaths
February 1, 2021: 886 new cases, 41 new deaths
March 1, 2021: 354 new cases, 29 new deaths
April 1, 2021: 247 new cases, 25 new deaths
May 1, 2021: 171 new cases, 4 new deaths
June 1, 2021: 70 new cases, 7 new deaths
July 1, 2021: 211 new cases, 5 new deaths
August 1, 2021: 1,626 new cases, 13 new deaths
September 1, 2021: 1,558 new cases, 46 new deaths
October 1, 2021: 399 new cases, 52 new deaths
November 1, 2021:
1-12,729 cases, 334 deaths
2 – Not reported at the time of press
(To date: 37 new cases, 1 new death)
*** Multiple providers and facilities can enter data into DPH’s reportable disease monitoring system. This can lead to accidental duplication of cases. Duplicates are removed from the system as soon as they are detected. This may reduce the number of reported cases and other statistics.
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