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New treatments and technologies make lung cancer viable


Topeka, Kansas (WIBW)-Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. But it’s only in the last decade that medical professionals even had guidelines for screening it.

At the same time, doctors say the new treatment is a game changer for patients like Catherine Hall. She slept earlier this year, but suddenly held her breath.

Her ex-husband rushed her to the hospital. Due to her history of smoking Catherine, she was first treated for bronchitis. She was later sent to a CT scan, which revealed a large cancerous mass in her lungs.

“It went straight to the hospital,” Catherine said. “The only thing I could think of was how to tell my family that I was dying.”

But then Dr. John Marr, a radiation oncologist at the Stormont Bale Cancer Center, walked through the room.

“He gave me hope. He really gave me hope,” Catherine said.

Dr. Ma outlined a treatment plan that he called “Double Whammy.” This meant that chemotherapy and radiation therapy would attack the cancer at the same time.

“Lung cancer is no longer a death sentence because of so much technological advancement,” said Dr. Ma.

Dr. Ma said that one of the major advances over the last decade has been the use of stereotactic radiation, which will allow doctors to more accurately attack cancer, even if the act of breathing makes it an essentially moving target. Stated.

“When you take a deep breath, the diaphragm moves out and the lung nodules (cancer) move up and down, so you need to consider the lowest and highest positions. In other words, you are treating a much larger area. “,” Explained Dr. Ma. “Technologies such as real-time tracking and a much smaller radiation footprint allow for greater accuracy and accuracy while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and organs.”

Catherine’s team also includes Dr. Daurussin, a fellow Stormontvale oncologist. He added immunotherapy to her arsenal.

“Cancer cells block the immune system, so the immune system can’t recognize and kill them,” said Dr. Singh. “What immunotherapy is trying to do is get rid of that block, which allows the immune system to become more active, work on cancer cells, and kill them in the best possible way. It’s like using your own natural defense against cancer. “

Another game changer is early detection. In 2013, US Preventive Medicine Committee Published the first recommendations for lung cancer screening. Earlier this year, they will update them to expand the standards. Annual screening using low-dose CT scans is now proposed for people aged 50-80 years who have smoked at least 20 packs throughout their lives and have been smoking or quitting smoking for the past 15 years.

“If you detect cancer early, you can treat it early and have a better cure rate,” said Dr. Singh.

Less than a year after his diagnosis, Catherine finished radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Continue immunotherapy. I’m looking forward to living.

“I came here in a wheelchair, and now I can walk thanks to all the staff here now,” she said. “I thank the Lord. I thank the doctors and everyone (at the Cancer Center) every day. I can’t thank them enough. I really can’t.”

Doctors also remind everyone that prevention is the best defense. Smoking is a major cause of lung cancer, so stop now or, better yet, don’t start.

NS The second major cause is radon.. Radon is a radioactive gas that can penetrate homes due to the destruction of the environment. Experts recommend testing your home for radon every two years. Kits are available at home stores or through the Kansas State University National Radon Program. The cost is $ 15 to $ 25.

Copyright 2021 WIBW. all rights reserved.





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