Student dies of tuberculosis at University of Wales
There is a student who died of tuberculosis at a university in Wales.
A student of unknown gender and age died on the campus of the University of Wales Trinity St. David in Lampeter.
Medical professionals and university officials are working to identify close contact with the deceased and provide tuberculosis screening.
The Wales Public Health Service said a team of experts was investigating the case and assessing the need for control measures, but claimed that “the risk to the general public remains very low.”
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He said there is also a health agency No link In this case and Ongoing tuberculosis outbreak in Llwynhendy, Carmarthenshire..
Work is underway to identify close contacts, and anyone who will benefit from tuberculosis screening will be contacted directly.
On Friday, Public Health Wales said it had been notified of the death of a student at the Lampitter campus of the University of Wales Trinity St. David.
Health agencies, the Hywel Dda University Health Board, and the University of Wales Trinity St David are currently working together to identify close contact information for the deceased and provide tuberculosis screening.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that spreads by inhaling small droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze.
It primarily affects the lungs, but can affect any part of the body, including the glands, bones, and nervous system of the abdomen.
Tuberculosis is a serious condition, but it can be cured if treated with appropriate antibiotics.
What Causes Tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infectious disease. Tuberculosis, which affects the lungs (pulmonary tuberculosis), is the most contagious type, but usually spreads only after prolonged exposure to a sick person.
In most healthy people, the body’s natural defenses against infections and illnesses (the immune system) kill bacteria and are asymptomatic.
The immune system may not be able to kill the bacteria, but it can prevent them from spreading throughout the body.
There are no symptoms, but the bacteria remain in the body. This is known as latent tuberculosis. People with latent tuberculosis infection do not infect others.
If the immune system is unable to kill or contain the infection, it can spread to the lungs or other parts of the body, and symptoms develop within weeks or months. This is known as Active TB.
Latent tuberculosis can develop into active tuberculosis at a later date, especially if the immune system is weakened.
Tuberculosis symptoms
- A persistent cough that lasts more than 3 weeks and usually produces sputum, which may be bloody.
- Weight loss
- Night sweats
- High temperature (fever)
- Fatigue and fatigue
- Decreased appetite
- Swelling of the neck
If you have a cough that lasts more than 3 weeks, or if you have blood, you will see a general practitioner.
sauce: NHS.UK
Sion Lingard, a Welsh public health consultant, said:
“Because tuberculosis is difficult to infect, the risk to the general public remains very low. In order for a person to become infected, it requires close and long-term contact with the infected person, such as living in the same household. ..
“We are in the process of identifying the deceased’s close contact information, providing tuberculosis screening by the Hywel Dda University Health Board, and providing advice to university staff and students.
“Tuberculosis can be cured during the entire course of treatment.”
If you are suffering from an unexplained long cough (which may include hemoptysis), unexplained weight loss, or a combination of night sweats, we recommend that you seek advice from the GP.
The University of Wales at Trinity St. David said in a statement: “The university is saddened by the death of a student at Lampitter’s Academy of Chinese Studies, who recently died of tuberculosis (TB).
“We are working closely with Public Health Wales and Hywel Dda UHB to share the guidance we received and our unique source of support with our staff and students. We would like to extend our deepest condolences to the students’ family and friends.”
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