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The county warns of gathering as holidays approach | News, Sports, Work

The county warns of gathering as holidays approach | News, Sports, Work


As the number of new COVID-19 cases continues to grow rapidly, public health officials are reminding them when they meet on holidays.

The Franklin County Public Health Service issued a warning on Tuesday against a large rally. Public health director Kathleen Struck said in a statement that the rally is spreading the virus throughout the county and people need to take special precautions or rethink large holiday rally. Stated.

” “This season”” Her statement began with reference to the fact that the county saw a surge in cases of coronavirus at this time last year for vacations.

“Many cases of COVID have arisen from seasonal and other celebrations in Franklin County.” Read the statement. “Franklin County Public Health Services is advised to be inspected before and after the rally.”

Struck urged residents on Tuesday to take precautions to reduce the spread. People with symptoms should be self-isolated and tested. People who test positive should stay away from others. Unvaccinated people should be quarantined if they come into contact with a person who tests positive. She also recommended that everyone wear a mask, even if they are vaccinated and have no symptoms.

The county also recommended limiting the number of household gatherings if physical distance could not be maintained.

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County number

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The Franklin County Public Health Service reported 43 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, releasing 44 from quarantine. As of Tuesday, the total number of active cases in the county was 233.

Eight of the new cases are Franklin Orthodontic prisoners in Malone’s state prison.

According to FCPH, there are still many cases of Taper Lake. As of Sunday, 53 were quarantined with COVID-19 and 63 were undergoing preventive quarantine. In Harriet’s Town, as of Sunday, there were 33 confirmed cases and 40 quarantines.

On Monday, the Essex County Health Department reported 90 new COVID-19 cases since last Wednesday. The number of active cases is currently 124, down from 202 active cases at this point last week.

Most of the new cases reported on Monday are in the towns of Tycoon de Roga and Chesterfield, seven of which are in the town of North Elba, eight in Jay, four in St. Armand, and three in Will. Located in Minton.

The Essex County Health Department reported the 40th COVID-19-related death on Friday.

Adirondack Health spokesman Matt Scolin said on Tuesday that there were no COVID-19-related hospitalizations at the company’s Adirondack Medical Center Hospital in Saranac Lake.

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Year of difference

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The recent increase in the number of cases mimics the increase in COVID-19 cases that the region saw during this period last year. At that time, public health officials attributed the increase in incidents to holiday gatherings.

This year, the number of cases is much higher. For example, in Franklin County on Tuesday, there were four times as many active COVID-19 cases as on November 16, 2020, and in Essex County on Monday, there were almost nine times as many cases as on November 15, 2020. .. ..

The virus is spreading faster here now than it was at this time last year. Last year, during the first 16 days of November, the Franklin County Public Health Service reported 114 new cases of COVID-19. That was before the use of the COVID-19 vaccine was approved in the United States. At that time, travel restrictions and forced quarantine of travelers were still in place, but in New York it was still necessary to wear masks indoors. It was also before the highly contagious delta mutant became the predominant strain of coronavirus in the United States.

This year, during the first 16 days of November, the department reported 348 new COVID-19 cases.

Last year, in the first two weeks of November, Franklin County recorded the first two COVID-19-related deaths. Since then, another 23 people have died of the disease in the county.

Last year, during the first 16 days of November, the Essex County Health Department reported 31 new cases of COVID-19. This year, the county exceeded that number in the first two days of this month. In the first 16 days of November this year, the department reported 433 new COVID-19 cases.

Currently, 40 people have died of COVID-19-related illnesses in Essex County, more than doubling the number of deaths during this period last year.

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Vaccine clinic

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Now that children over the age of 5 can be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, several clinics are planned in Franklin and Essex counties for them to receive injections.

The Clinic at Petrova Elementary School in Saranac Lake is scheduled for Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Liaison Erica Vegio of Saranac Lake Central School District Community School said the clinic is for ages 5-18 and booster shots are not available.

“Students can come from any district. Boosters are not available at this clinic.” Veggio wrote by email. “Pre-registration is possible. Bringing in is welcome.”

She said people can call her with a question at 518-897-1467.

The Vaccine Clinic for children ages 5-11 will be held Saturday from 10am to 2pm at the Lake Placid Horse Showground.

You can register for this clinic at

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