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A deadly virus vial accidentally found while cleaning a freezer at a research facility in Pennsylvania: CDC


Several frozen vials labeled “smallpox” were discovered by a laboratory technician while cleaning the freezer at a facility conducting vaccine research. Pennsylvania, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was confirmed by Fox News.

“There is no sign that someone has been exposed to a small number of frozen vials,” a CDC spokeswoman said in an email.

A vial of dry smallpox vaccination is shown on December 5, 2002 in Alta Monte Springs, Florida.  (Photo by Scott A. Miller / Getty Images)

A vial of dry smallpox vaccination is shown on December 5, 2002 in Alta Monte Springs, Florida. (Photo by Scott A. Miller / Getty Images)

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The contents of the vial appear to be intact as the CDC, its management partners, and law enforcement agencies are investigating the issue. The laboratory technician who found the vial wore gloves and a face mask. The organization will provide details when it becomes available.

According to Yahoo NewsThe vial was reportedly found on Monday night in a freezer at the Merck facility on the outskirts of Philadelphia, citing a warning sent to Homeland Security leadership.

The closest Merck site to Philadelphia is the vast campuses of West Point and North Wales in Montgomery County, 6abc action news We could not confirm that there were suspicious vials in either building.

Merck Headquarters in Kenilworth, NJ, May 1, 2018.  (AP Photo / Seth Wenig)

Merck Headquarters in Kenilworth, NJ, May 1, 2018. (AP Photo / Seth Wenig)

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According to the unclassified “official use only” warning, there were a total of 15 suspicious vials, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News. Five of the vials were labeled “smallpox” and ten were labeled “vaccinia”. The vial was immediately fixed.

CDC website Smallpox, a disease caused by the smallpox virus, has been eradicated thanks to successful vaccination, and no spontaneous cases of smallpox have occurred since 1977. The last spontaneous outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949.

The virus is considered extremely deadly, so only two laboratories in the world are allowed to store samples in the CDCs of Russia and Atlanta.

August 28, 2011, sign at the entrance to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.  (IStock)

August 28, 2011, sign at the entrance to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. (IStock)

Scientists have been debating for years whether to destroy the remaining samples. Those in favor of maintaining them argued that they needed to develop new vaccines in response to new outbreaks.

The majority of Americans have not been vaccinated against smallpox, and those who have been vaccinated may have weakened immunity.

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The CDC will arrive at the scene on Wednesday, store the vials, and transport them to another facility for testing. Alert notes, Yahoo News reports.

Merck did not immediately respond to the request for comment.




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