Perotnia will bounce back in 2021 raising about $ 20 million
Perotnia announced on Friday that it has raised about $ 20 million this year for cancer research.
It’s almost double Previous year, When COVID-19 forced nonprofits to cancel their annual biking and introduce a virtual platform.
Transportation represents the return of Perotonia to its normal state. The bike ride fundraiser, which started in 2008 and resumed face-to-face events this year, generated more than $ 23 million in 2019.However, it fell to $ 10.5 million in 2020.
According to Doug Ulman, CEO of Perotonia and three-time cancer survivor, more than 6,000 registered to participate in vehicles of various lengths in August, with nearly 4,000 virtually participating. Did.
“Frankly, this community for the last 13 years has been so generous that you really don’t have much control over when you’ve experienced a pandemic-like situation. This year you can ride and come back together. It’s all about helping James with world-class cancers (facilities), “Ulman said in an interview, referring to Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital, which is part of Ohio State University’s comprehensive university. Cancer Center.
“It’s definitely a sign of community commitment and support, and I think it’s going to reach nearly $ 20 million, and I think it’ll be even bigger next year.”
read more: Perotonia participants pedal forward at a virtual event
The organizers have once again provided a virtual platform called MyPelotonia. This allows participants to be creative about how to raise money for cancer research.
“One of the biggest things we’ve learned since last year was that even if we remove the pandemic from the equation, people want to be able to participate in a way that makes sense to them,” Ulman said. I am.
“The more options and opportunities people have to support cancer research, the better, so we plan to continue the platform beyond 2022. Is it biking in Columbus, Ohio in August?” Or is it somewhere else? Geographically and running, hiking, walking, or going to something that makes sense to them. We want to offer as many opportunities as possible. “
All money raised from Perotonia will be used to support research at the Comprehensive Cancer Center due to the commitment of our corporate partners to cover the costs. Since its inception, Perotnia has raised more than $ 236 million.
read more: “My soul and my heart are in shape to do this”: Perotnia returns to the fight to end cancer
Next year’s event will be held from August 5th to 7th. Registration will begin early next year.
Olivia Hawkins, two cancer survivors who took part in the ride for the first time this year, said in a news release that the experience was uplifting and exciting.
“Perotonia is a common goal for us to be with others to end cancer, and survivors, fighters, researchers, and their families and friends.”
Monroe Trombly covers the latest and trending news. He can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him at @MonroeTrombly.
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