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Long-term studies have shown that drinking large amounts of coffee can reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease-ScienceDaily.

Long-term studies have shown that drinking large amounts of coffee can reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease-ScienceDaily.


Good news for us who can’t face the day without a flat white in the morning. Long-term studies have shown that drinking large amounts of coffee may reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

As part of Australian aging imaging, biomarkers, and lifestyle studies, researchers at the University of Edithco One (ECU) have found that coffee consumption affects the cognitive decline rate of more than 200 Australians in 10 years. I investigated whether it was.

Dr. Samantha Gardener, Principal Investigator, said the results showed an association between coffee and some important markers associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

“Participants with no memory impairment at the start of the study and high coffee consumption were found to be at lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, which often precedes Alzheimer’s disease during the course of the study,” she said. I am saying. Said.

Drinking more coffee has had positive consequences for specific areas of cognitive function, especially executive function, including planning, self-control, and attention.

High coffee intake also appears to be associated with slowing the accumulation of amyloid protein in the brain, a key factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Gardener said the study was encouraged because it needed further research, but showed that drinking coffee could be an easy way to help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

“It’s a simple thing people can change,” she said.

“This can be especially useful for people who are at risk of cognitive decline but have no symptoms at all.

“We may be able to develop some clear guidelines that people can follow in middle age, and hopefully it can have a lasting effect.”


If you can only drink one cup of coffee a day, this study could not establish the maximum number of cups per day that would have a beneficial effect, but it may be better to treat yourself with an extra cup. It has been shown to be sexual. ..

“If the average cup of coffee made at home is 240g, increasing it to 2 cups a day can reduce cognitive decline by 8% after 18 months,” said Dr. Gardener.

“We also saw a 5% reduction in amyloid accumulation in the brain over the same period.”

In Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid aggregates to form toxic amyloid plaques in the brain.

The study could not distinguish between decaffeinated and decaffeinated coffee, nor could the benefits and consequences of coffee preparation methods (brewing methods, presence of milk or sugar, etc.).

Dr. Gardener said the relationship between coffee and brain function is worth pursuing.

“We need to assess whether coffee is recommended someday as a lifestyle factor aimed at delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease,” she said.

Not just caffeine

Researchers have yet to determine exactly which component of coffee is behind the seemingly positive effects on brain health.

Although caffeine is related to results, preliminary research suggests that caffeine may not be the only possible cause of delaying Alzheimer’s disease.

“Coarse caffeine” is a by-product of decaffeinated coffee and has been shown to be as effective as partially preventing memory impairment in mice, but cafestol, kahweol, and eikosanoyle. Other coffee ingredients such as -5-hydroxytryptamide also affect cognitive impairment in animals in various studies.

“Is Increased Coffee Consumption Associated with Delayed Cognitive Decline and Decreased Brain A? -126 Months of Amyloid Accumulation: Data from Australian Imaging, Biomarkers, and Lifestyle Studies” Frontier of aging neuroscience.





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