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Fauci says children and teens are less likely to need a Covid-19 booster.This is the reason | News

Fauci says children and teens are less likely to need a Covid-19 booster.This is the reason | News


Now that the United States has deployed Covid-19 booster shots to all fully vaccinated adults, some parents are wondering if vaccinated teenagers need to get a booster dose of vaccine, or when. I’m wondering if it’s needed-and researchers are working to get an answer right away.

Currently, Pfizer / BioNTech or Modena corona virus vaccine boosters are recommended for all adults who completed the original double dose series of these shots at least 6 months ago, and Johnson & Johnson vaccine boosters are recommended. Recommended for adults People who completed a single shot at least 2 months ago.

The US Food and Drug Administration approved the emergency use of Pfizer’s coronavirus in May, about six months ago. Vaccines for adolescents aged 12 to 15 years, And that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended vaccines for this age group.. Shortly thereafter, the shot began to become an arm.

“I’m still not sure if kids need boosters, but we’re actively working to answer that question,” said Texas, one of Pfizer’s pediatric sites. Dr. Flor Munoz, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at a pediatric hospital, said the vaccine test.

Munoz wrote in a text message to CNN on Thursday that “following a child at various points after two vaccinations is part of the study design.”

Pediatrics research is underway and “data should be available next year,” Munoz added.

Adolescents may need a booster at some point, but “Your healthy strap teenagers have a much better immune response than older people, so It’s unlikely that you’ll need a booster. The truth. ” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergic Infectious Diseases, I told CNN’s John Berman on Wednesday..

Coronavirus vaccine Helps the body protect or develop immunity, Against the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. Its immunity can decline over time, but booster vaccination can help restore it.

For adults, Fauci strongly recommends taking booster shots for people over the age of 18 who have been fully vaccinated with the original regimen due to their weakened immunity.

When it comes to adolescent immunity, “they may go for a much longer period before they begin to decline,” Forch said. “They have a very strong immune system, so it’s not surprising that they have protection that disappears well beyond that six months.”

There was Some recent studies documentation Observed weakened immunity In fully vaccinated adults, there has long been little data on immunity in vaccinated adolescents. That data, especially when weighing the safety and benefits of boosters in this age group, will help us when considering whether adolescents need booster doses.

Dr. Saju Matthew, an Atlanta-based primary care physician and public health expert, told CNN Thursday.

“At this point, it’s unlikely that we would recommend booster shots to adolescents,” Matthew said. Coupled with the lack of data and the lower risk of severe Covid-19 in children than in adults-and the mRNA coronavirus vaccines Pfizer and Modana Small risk of heart inflammation For young people.

“But I have a young man with a fundamental medical condition,” Matthew added.

“Therefore, if a 17-year-old has severe asthma, perhaps cystic fibrosis, or especially some underlying lung condition, I recommend booster shots,” he said. “But at this point, we are reluctant to give universal and broad recommendations to all adolescents until sufficient data are available.”


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