How Genome Surveillance Can Help Us Stay Ahead of New Coronaviruses
While the world is waiting for details on how worried the newly discovered Omicron variants really are, health professionals, including WHO, are working to identify novel variants in each country. Emphasizes the need to enhance genomic surveillance coronavirus This may demonstrate the ability to circumvent public and social health measures designed to counter pandemics. As we approach the third year of the global health crisis, experts say that even if genomic monitoring functions are not evenly distributed, victory over the virus will identify the mutants of concern and act against them. It says it depends heavily on the speed at which it can be started. In the world.
How can genome monitoring help?
Due to the unusual symptoms of the viral infection she began observing in patients around mid-November, South African doctors realized that a new variant of the new coronavirus could have emerged.
She didn’t waste time warning the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NICD) in South Africa. NICD, now named Omicron on November 25, is a variant of concern (VoC) by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Preliminary findings indicate that this variant may be “at higher risk of reinfection compared to other VOCs” and “may have growth benefits”, that is, Omicron. Is different from one person. Samples of subspecies isolated were reportedly collected by South African authorities between 14 and 16 November, a move consistent with the surge in incidents in South Africa. This variant was also flagged by nearby Botswana officials.
Therefore, within two weeks of the first observation of abnormal symptoms by health professionals, as the number of cases increased, the country identified a completely new variant that raised widespread concerns about its impact on the pandemic trajectory. I was able to do.
South Africa is dissatisfied with the restrictions imposed on travel from the country, but by quickly identifying new variants, the government expects it to be a necessary step to control the spread of this new variant. You can expand what is done. Meanwhile, some vaccine manufacturers have already stated that they are considering tweaking existing vaccines to attack Omicron mutations.
Now consider the situation in South Africa where there was no mechanism for genome monitoring and the rise of Omicron could not be captured. In such a scenario, it may have been too late for everyone to notice that new variants break through, seed breakthrough cases and reinfections, and put pressure on the healthcare system.
What is Genome Monitoring?
A gene is, at the basic level, a unit of heredity. This helps determine the characteristics and physical characteristics that a generation inherits from its parent. For viruses like Sars-CoV-2, the genetic information determines how it infects human cells and makes a copy of itself. However, while human genes are made of DNA, Sars-CoV-2 is an RNA virus. And given that it is a microscopic entity, Sars-CoV-2 has a genome that is a complete set of genes or genetic material present in cells or organisms and is composed of approximately 30,000 nucleotides. increase. Of DNA, or RNA.
Is it confusing? Simply put, genome surveillance tracks changes in this genetic composition of the virus to see how changes in nucleotide order cause changes in the behavior of the virus. That is, whether it can spread faster, whether it can avoid antibodies obtained by previous infections or vaccinations, escape detection in tests, and so on.
As WHO points out, Sars-CoV-2 “like all viruses, accumulates nucleotide mutations over time. [and] “Most of them do not affect the behavior of the virus, but some mutations can cause changes in its structure,” WHO said, adding that new mutants are expected to emerge. -Reach enough to deserve close attention and countermeasure upgrades.
Therefore, as the US CDC points out, “with genomic sequencing, scientists identify Sars-CoV-2 and monitor how it transforms into new variants over time. You can understand how these changes affect the properties of the virus and use this information to gain a better understanding of how it affects your health. “
How is genome monitoring performed?
As experts at the University of Pittsburgh state in an article in The Conversation, the Covid-19 Diagnostic Test involves determining if an individual has the disease. Patience “.
“Before the Covid-19 pandemic, this type of genomic surveillance was reserved primarily for conducting small-scale studies of antibiotic-resistant strains, investigating outbreaks, and monitoring influenza strains,” the researchers said. I am writing. The pandemic heralds an era of genomic surveillance, where scientists are tracking viral genomic changes at unprecedented speeds and scales. “
Genome monitoring involves the following tasks: Sequence of positive samples Sars-CoV-2 is used to determine its overall genetic makeup. This reveals changes in regions of the genome that scientists can measure how those changes affect the behavior of the virus.
WHO says that variant tracking is ” Genome monitoring However, WHO performs sequencing because such sequencing requires highly labed and highly trained researchers and is lacking in most countries around the world. He pointed out that countries with low capacity are “strong.” We encouraged you to take steps to facilitate access to existing regional and international sequencing networks and partnerships. “
Although sequencing capabilities are “significantly different inside and outside the country,” the United Nations Health Organization states that “as the pandemic progressed, the capacity of Sars-CoV-2 sequencing activities expanded significantly.”
How do you like it India Do you carry out genome monitoring?
According to the Genome Surveillance Guidelines published in July this year, SARS of India-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) was established to expand the genome sequencing of Sars-CoV-2 nationwide, initially starting with a network of 10 regional laboratories nationwide, and then 28 centers mapped to states and UT. It states that it has been expanded to include. Smooth flow of samples.
“The overall goal is … to regularly monitor the genomic mutations in Sars-CoV-2 through a network of multiple laboratories,” said INSACOG. The purpose of such monitoring is to achieve early detection of mutations and determine genomic mutations. In the case of breakthrough infectious diseases, superspreading events, etc., we correlate monitoring data with epidemiological data and propose public health activities based on such analysis.
For this reason, INSACOG has identified “sentinel sites” designated for state and UT RT-PCR laboratories and secondary and tertiary care hospitals. Such sentinel sites were expected to cover at least 80% of the state districts where the lab was needed. Send at least 15 samples every 15 days to the designated INSACOG Genome Sequencing Lab (IGSL).
One of the key requirements WHO has described for genome monitoring is to send genome sequences to internationally available databases, such as databases managed by GISAID. In a global health crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic, close cooperation between national and health professionals could lead to a swift response to the rise of new variants, public databases It is an important support for that purpose.
GISAID is one of the most prominent. Global genome database We maintain a repository of Sars-CoV-2 variants and have submitted over 5.5 million samples so far. Iceland leads the list of countries at 523 in terms of sequences submitted every 1,000. So far, India has submitted 1.66 sequences for every 1,000 cases, with the United States, which has the highest number of cases in the world, and Brazil, which has the third highest number of cases, at 29.1 and 3.05, respectively.
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