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Long Covid patient suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome 15 months after infection

Long Covid patient suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome 15 months after infection
Long Covid patient suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome 15 months after infection


many Long covid New studies suggest that patients suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) more than a year after the initial infection.

State, also known as Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Or I can cause fever, pain, prolonged fatigue and depression.

A few Long covid Studies show that patients have the same dyspnea as people with asthma.

Studies show that these symptoms are often experienced with CFS / ME, and some patients even suffer from additional symptoms.

A study of Covid patients who were still suffering from symptoms 3 to 15 months after infection found that 46% met ME / CFS criteria.

On the other hand, 88% showed an abnormal breathing pattern called dysfunctional breathing. It is most commonly seen in asthmatics and is defined as rapid and shallow breathing.

Professor Donna M Mancini of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York said: They experienced several abnormalities, including decreased motor skills, excessive ventilatory response, and abnormal breathing patterns that affect normal daily activities.

“These findings suggest that in the subgroup of long-distance transporters, hyperventilation and / or dysfunctional breathing may be the basis of their symptoms. These abnormalities may be respiratory methods or This is important because it can be dealt with by “retraining”. “

In this study, 58% of patients had evidence of “circulatory disorders,” often with peak motor performance due to cardiac dysfunction or heart failure.

Patients in this study underwent respiratory function tests, chest x-rays, chest CT scans, and echocardiography.

It was also evaluated for ME / CFS. They were asked to estimate how fatigue reduced work, personal life, and / or school activity over the past six months. How often did you experience sore throat, tenderness in the lymph nodes, headache, muscle aches, stiff joints, refreshing sleep, poor concentration, and mild post-exercise symptoms?

The study is published in the journal JACC: Heart failure..

It will come later Me This month, it was revealed that only 5,000 people were referred to a long specialized Covid clinic each month. According to NHS statistics, even though more than a million people are in this state, one-third will have to wait at least 15 weeks before their first booking.

Last year, the NHS set up a long, specialized 90 Covid Clinic in the UK to evaluate and diagnose people visiting symptomatic GPs.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates that there are 1.2 million people in the UK with long Covids. That is, I have symptoms for more than 12 weeks.

However, from July to September of this year, only 4,846 to 5,182 patients were referred to the clinic each month. This is the first time the numbers are available.

The figures show that 33% of the referred patients must wait at least 15 weeks for the initial evaluation and an additional 15% must wait 10-14 weeks.




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