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Scottish parents disagreed on whether to vaccinate children up to 5 years old

Scottish parents disagreed on whether to vaccinate children up to 5 years old
Scottish parents disagreed on whether to vaccinate children up to 5 years old


Scottish parents Opinions are divided on whether to vaccinate children up to the age of five.

Moms and dads are discussing whether they give their youth Children NS COVID Vaccines after a professor of public health at the university EdinburghLinda Bold says that deployment among young children will be a “reasonable next step.”

Currently, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) recommends providing jabs only to people over the age of 12 in the United Kingdom.

Currently, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) recommends providing jabs only to people over the age of 12 in the United Kingdom.
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

However, in the United States, vaccines are being rolled out to younger age groups.

Speak in BBC At the Sunday show, Ms. Bold said: “Many parents are asking for it (children’s vaccination).

“Soon there will be more global data. JCVI is very cautious about vaccination of teens and adolescents, but that seems like a real potential future step.”

However, parents are divided on whether the vaccine is safe for their children, or in fact, whether many people need to express their views on the Daily Record’s social media pages.

Some people are happy to have their children vaccinated.

One said, “They are moving all the other jugs, so why not?”

Currently, the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) recommends providing jabs only to people over the age of 12 in the United Kingdom.
(Image: Ritzau Scanpix / AFP via Gettyima)

Another mother said, “All four of my children have been vaccinated and will be vaccinated soon, so I will be vaccinated for the second time.

“I had a booster a few weeks ago. I’m sick of these bleeding anti-bakers on social media, so I’m forced to get it anyway as it will eventually happen.”

But other parents weren’t convinced, with some saying that the vaccine wasn’t fully researched, while others said it was “disgusting” and “biological weapons.”

Some say: This is a biological weapon and has nothing to do with viruses. “

“I don’t want to think that my kids didn’t have to be vaccinated a few months ago. There’s no blood joke in my patch,” another added.

Others had a stronger opinion, saying, “Pure and simple genocide !! Awaken your sheep.”

Another dad said he had been vaccinated himself, but regretted his decision. He states: “It was probably wrong in the intestines, but I was vaccinated.

“My kids don’t seem to get any benefit, so I can’t get it. I’m not very interested in the expected benefits to others. I have life-threatening problems with vaccines. Hundreds of children are much worse than millions of children. People over the age of life expectancy dying from IMO. “

Another agreed, “There is no chance to poison the girl in hell and leave the children alone.”

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