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Prince Harry writes a World AIDS Day letter on behalf of his deceased mother, Princess Diana


On World AIDS Day, Prince Harry By continuing to defend this cause, which is very close to her heart, she honored the memory of his late mother, Princess Diana.

The royal family wrote a letter to commemorate World AIDS Day on Wednesday, narrated the film, brought awareness of the ongoing fight between HIV and AIDS, and ensured science around both HIV and COVID-19. I asked the people and world leaders to join him, reaching the countries and people who need it most.In a letter to Winnie Byanima, UNAIDS Managing Director, and Dr. Tedros Adhanom GebraceHarry, the Secretary of the World Health Organization, said: My mother will be deeply grateful for everything you support and accomplish. Thank you as we all share that gratitude. “

He continued. “It is now impressive to see world-leading AIDS activists leading the demand for fairness in the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination to the world is a test of our moral character and the world. We have experienced a remarkable failure when it comes to the fairness of vaccines. Similar to the AIDS crisis, we have spent the past year, the value of life is that you were born or lived in a rich country. It has once again revealed that it depends on whether it depends on whether it lives in a developing country or not. “This is a problem mentioned in the World AIDS Day movie narrated by the Duke of Sussex. “This is a story about how corporate greed and political failure have prolonged both pandemics, and what we can do to stop it,” he replayed at the UNAIDS conference on Wednesday. I will explain in the video that was done.Harry and his wife Megan Markle We also talked earlier about the importance of vaccine equity at the Global Citizens Live Event in New York in September.

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