There are tools to end HIV in San Antonio
It started with a story. San Antonio, who lives with HIV, tells us stories of shame and alienation by friends, family, and, at worst, their own healthcare providers. The End Stigma End HIV Alliance in San Antonio first heard these stories informally and then began collecting. One night on stage at the Guadalupe Center for Cultural Arts, in a journal left in the clinic, through paintings and recordings, and then through academic research and focus groups.
Medical staff talked about the fear of infection, lack of training and knowledge about HIV, and the persistence of stereotypes about people living with HIV. Patients talked about avoiding testing and health care as a way to avoid experiencing stigma. One patient said, “I’m disappointed that you have to see a doctor when you’re trying to ask for help.” The healthcare provider heard about another patient’s testing experience. “She became like a cricket the moment she was diagnosed with HIV. She’s like” no one wanted to come to the room. ” “
These stories are important because stigma and ignorance are preventing people from being tested and treated for HIV in San Antonio, where HIV is more treatable than ever before. Nationally, the incidence of HIV had decreased before the pandemic, but increased in San Antonio. Many of us are unaware of the following:
- The average life expectancy of people living with HIV is 78 years.
- The usual treatment is once-daily tablets, which control the virus within a few months (modern drugs are powerful).
- People with well-managed HIV Infection cannot be transmitted to othersEven with sex without condoms, children are generally not affected by HIV.
- People who are not infected with HIV can take safe and effective daily tablets (“PrEP”) To protect yourself from infection
- San Antonio is a “rapid start” community. Our HIV clinic has created a warm takeover network so that the median time from diagnosis to seeing a doctor is less than a day.
- Free HIV Home Test Kit
If you can prevent HIV with PrEP and keep the viral load to non-contagious levels, you already have all the tools you need to stop HIV. just now. We need to make it easier for people to be diagnosed, receive care, continue care when they are positive, and consider PrEP when they are negative. We need to ask what gets in the way of getting tested, getting treatment, and accessing prevention.
And when we ask the community, the answer is clear. The stigma is the main barrier. People are ashamed to ask for testing, are rejected by their families when they are diagnosed with HIV, and are discriminated against by the health care system when they seek care.
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The End Stigma End HIV Alliance has created a community-based collaboration of people living with HIV, healthcare providers, community-based organizations, researchers, and public health authorities. Stigma-free health care guidelines, There are suggestions at multiple levels of care. For example, at the individual level, healthcare professionals can use discretionary wording to avoid excessive PPE, such as wearing double gloves or gowns, that falsely suggest that HIV is spread by accidental contact. .. At the team level, we can treat all patients with respect and support trauma-based care that does not embarrass or punish patients when they miss an appointment. At the organizational level, workflows can be modified to keep you constantly asking annoying questions about how the virus was infected, sexual activity, and past drug use. It can also guarantee a warm hand-over to a healthcare provider who knows to treat the patient with respect. To see all the guidelines, visit the following website:
Come to World AIDS Day today AIDS Commemorative quilt by the name project. It will be on display at Woodlawn Point on Donaldson Avenue 702 from December 1st to 7th. After looking back, please be pleased that there are tools to end HIV in San Antonio: free quick tests, HIV-preventing tablets, and people without fear of infecting others with the virus. Effective treatment that enables you to lead a long and healthy life. Make a tireless effort to understand who shared the story with us and how to do a better job of providing these tools to those who need them. Thanks to alliance members. One of their echoing messages: “We are more than how we are perceived.”
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