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Coronavirus: Why are survivors asked to donate plasma?


British health officials have called for people to recover from the United States. Coronavirus Donate them plasma.

Preliminary studies show that there are three groups of patients whose plasma may most likely help others because of antibodies produced by the immune system when fighting the virus.

This includes patients over the age of 35, men, and patients requiring hospitalization.

NHS blood and transplant (NHSBT) Is currently appealing to recovering coronavirus patients, especially those falling into these three categories, to establish themselves as plasma donors.

NHSBT’s Deputy Head of Blood Donation, Professor David Roberts, said: “Help the NHS fight Covid-19. Donating plasma during the recovery period is safe and easy and can save lives. Donate when you get a call.”

Dr. Alessandro Giardini, a cardiovascular consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital, was charged as a “super-donor” for antibodies after being infected with the virus and receiving intensive care on a ventilator for seven days.

A 46-year-old patient from Camden, London, was later found to have the highest measured antibody levels to date among those who recovered, 40 times the amount normally found in convalescent plasma donations. ..

Dr. Giardini said, “It’s scary” to return to the medical environment after an ordeal, but “if Covid-19 can help others who are still ill, I need to do that.” I felt that. “.

Everything you need to know about plasma donations is here.

What is Convalescent Plasma?

“Plasma is a clear liquid found in the blood used for transfusion.” NHS explain.

“It makes up about half your blood volume and carries red and white blood cells and platelets around your body.”

Once recovered from the virus, plasma contains antibodies that help fight future infections. This is called convalescent plasma.

Why does the NHS need plasma?

Health agencies recently evaluated plasma donations from 435 recovered coronavirus patients.

“We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Roberts, NHSBT’s Medical Director of Blood Donation, said: “Seriously ill people produce more antibodies that can be transfused to help others.

“The evidence so far is that men and the elderly are making the effects of coronavirus more serious,” he said.

They found that men were likely to have significantly higher plasma antibody levels than women. On the other hand, 70% of patients at the former hospital had adequate plasma antibody levels, whereas 31% of donors who tested positive were not hospitalized.

In addition, only 10% under the age of 35 were found to have sufficiently high levels of antibodies, compared to 31% between the ages of 35 and 45 and 40% over the age of 45.

How does convalescent plasma help patients treated with coronaviruses?

When a patient recovers from a coronavirus, their immune system produces antibodies found in plasma that may help treat others.

The NHS outlines that this antibody-rich plasma “can be transfused into patients whose immune system has a hard time developing unique antibodies.”

28 days after the patient’s plasma was collected “immediately” from the patient COVID-19, “It is desired” that their plasma “contains high levels of this neutralizing antibody”.

This in turn should help other patients currently afflicted with the virus “improve the rate of recovery and chances of survival.”

this processing Is currently undergoing national clinical trials and is planned to be widely available throughout the hospital in the future.

How is plasma donation made?

“Two clinical trials have been approved to determine if the plasma donated by patients who have recovered from Covid-19 can help people fight disease,” the NHS says.

These clinical trials are being conducted in collaboration with the NHSBT Clinical Trials Unit.

The NHS will build the ability to allow blood plasma to be collected “on a large scale” and delivered to patients “if blood transfusions have been shown to help patients”.

Once you arrive to donate the plasma, the process will take about 45 minutes.

Who can donate plasma?

In order to survive as a plasma donor, Covid-19 must be positive or show clear symptoms of the virus.

However, priority is given to donors who have confirmed coronavirus test results, those who are already blood donors, and “healthy enough to donate.”

“It is important that the donors have time to recover and their bodies develop a good antibody response.” health Service status.

“For these reasons, we are currently collecting plasma within 28 days of recovery.”

When you submit an application to become a plasma donor, you must meet certain “qualification criteria” and be able to travel. Plasma collection venue.

There are 23 donor centers in London, Manchester, Cambridge, Luton, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leicester, Bradford, Leeds, Newcastle, Lancaster, Liverpool, Stoke, Birmingham, Bristol, Gloucester, Oxford, Southampton, Pool and Plymouth.

Is anyone restricted to donate plasma?

The NHS states that no one “on the basis of sexuality” is prevented from becoming a plasma, blood, or platelet donor.

However rule For plasma donors, it’s the same as for whole blood donors, which includes restrictions on male donors having sex with men.

“Every man has to wait three months after having oral or anal sex with another man before donating,” said the NHS.

“This rule applies to all men, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of whether they have a stable relationship or use protection such as condoms or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).”

The NHS has outlined that this rule has been applied to mitigate the risk of a “most recently infected infection” not being detected.

“At the population level, men who have sex with men are at increased risk of certain infections through sex,” he added.

Earlier this month, Andy Roberts, a paramedic, was banned from taking part in the plasma test after telling the operator by phone that he had a homosexual relationship.

Said his partner, Keith Ward ITV news He felt “very angry”.

“We’ve been monogamous for over 30 years and we weren’t aware of this exorbitant three-month rule,” he said.

“It’s safer to be sleeping straight with another person every weekend, as it only indicates that being gay in the UK is still considered a form of pollution. [the rules]. “

Laura Russell, Stonewall Policy Director, The above “Who should be allowed to donate blood or plasma should be based on individual risk assessments, not on people’s sexual orientation,” he said.

To become a plasma donor, contact NHSBT at 0300 123 23 23 or visit http: //


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