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Texas may soon see a “twin epidemic” during the upcoming winter season, says Dr. Peter Hotez – Houston Public Media

Texas may soon see a “twin epidemic” during the upcoming winter season, says Dr. Peter Hotez – Houston Public Media
Texas may soon see a “twin epidemic” during the upcoming winter season, says Dr. Peter Hotez – Houston Public Media


A variant of Omiclan was detected in Houston.

NS First case in Texas Identifyed in Harris County by the State Health Department on Monday, then again Houston wastewater Late that day.

Houston Public Media spoke with Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine and infectious disease expert at the Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. He said the Texas people might have to deal with a mixture of both Delta and Omicron in the winter.

Click here for more details.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

How concerned are you about the Omicron variant?

This is my second biggest concern about COVID-19 in the United States. At my beginning, this delta wave started to rise and probably already started in Texas. And you know, it hit us very hard during the summer, and we’re heading for the next round. So when I think about what’s happening at night, it’s the next wave of delta variants.

What’s more, Omicron is now in operation in Harris County and has been confirmed by wastewater analysis to find the Omicron genome. Therefore, cases begin to increase. Will you overtake Delta here in Texas? It’s hard to say, Delta is the king of all varieties in terms of transmissibility, and it’s hard to imagine how something can overtake it. I think it is possible.

What we’re seeing, at least as we head into winter, is the Delta and Omicron twin epidemics, and I think there are probably some differences in the population they affect disproportionately.

I think many unvaccinated Houston people who got infected with Delta in the summer now think they are immune. For real? Based on everything we know about Omicron and Delta, how likely is it to be re-infected with any of these variants?

Among the Omicron variants, those found in South Africa — many Omicron reinfections. Therefore, if you are infected and have recovered and have not been vaccinated, assume that you are fairly susceptible to Omicron’s reinfection. It may also be susceptible to delta reinfection.

According to several studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, previously infected and vaccinated on it are half as likely to be re-infected compared to existing virus strains here in the United States. Become.

Therefore, no matter how you slice it, whether you are worried about Delta or Omicron, if you are infected and recover, you should vaccinate on it.

You tweeted an article referring to a study conducted by South African researchers, showing that the Omicron variant partially circumvents the protection provided by the Pfizer vaccine. This is preliminary information, but why did you want to pay attention to the report?

This is our first cross-virus neutralizing antibody study against Omicron variants from any of the vaccines. Therefore, a South African group, now predominantly Omicron, examined the immune response of vaccinated individuals. I think most people have been vaccinated twice with the Pfizer vaccine. They found that virus-neutralizing antibodies to Omicron were reduced by a factor of 40.

Well, before I squeeze my hand and say, “What a hell, it’s reduced to 1/40.” As you know, we are dealing with logarithmic scales in virology, so it’s not that terrible. Also, keep in mind that the virus neutralizing antibody increases 30-40 times when you get a third immunization.

This means that if you get a third immunization, you’re likely to get cross-protection or spillover antibodies, as Tony Fauci says against the Omicron mutant. Although still very preliminary and not in preprint format, such research continues to be seen.

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