Cataract surgery may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: studies
![Cataract surgery may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: studies Cataract surgery may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: studies](!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)
A team of researchers in the United States have found evidence that cataract surgery can reduce the risk of developing dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, in the elderly.
Observational study, Based on data from over 3,000 participants People over the age of 65 found that people who had cataract surgery had a nearly 30% lower risk of developing dementia for some reason than those who did not.
Cataract surgery was also particularly associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Results were reported on December 6th JAMA Internal MedicineThis reduction in risk suggests that it lasted for at least 10 years after surgery.
“This kind of evidence is as good as it can be obtained in epidemiology,” Dr. Cecilia Lee, a senior researcher, said in a press release. “This is really exciting, because no other medical intervention has shown such a strong link to reducing the risk of dementia in the elderly.”
The data from this study are provided by the Adult Changes in Thought (ACT) study, a long-standing Seattle-based observational study in Kaiser Permanente, Washington, consisting of more than 5,000 participants over the age of 65. I did.
Researchers tracked participants who were diagnosed with cataract or glaucoma, did not have dementia, or had not undergone cataract surgery at the time they volunteered for the study. Participants were evaluated for cognitive ability every two years.
Of the 3,038 participants, 853 subjects developed dementia during a 7-year follow-up period, of which 709 were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. About half of the participants underwent cataract surgery.
Although this study does not show a direct link between cataract surgery and a reduced risk of dementia, researchers found that those who had surgery had a higher quality sensation thanks to improved vision. It is assumed that you may have obtained input.
“These results are consistent with the idea that sensory input to the brain is important for brain health,” co-author Dr. Eric B. Larson said in a press release.
Another hypothesis is that the eyes get a bluer light after cataract surgery.
“Some special cells in the retina are cognitive and regulate the sleep cycle. These cells respond well to blue light. Cataracts specifically block blue light, and cataract surgery blocks them. It may be reactivated. “
Researchers have adjusted a list of a wide range of factors, including health-related confounders, including the assumption that participants undergoing cataract surgery may be initially healthy and at low risk of dementia. We have found a strong relevance even when considering these factors.
Eye surgery performed during the two years prior to the diagnosis of dementia was excluded because people with cognitive decline may not have been very aware of vision problems.
Even with this group excluded, researchers found that the risk of dementia associated with cataract surgery was low.
Previous studies on the risk of dementia have shown similar results.
A 2020 study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that the use of hearing aids may be associated with a reduced risk of dementia. The study found that older people who received hearing aids within three years of being diagnosed with hearing loss had a lower incidence of dementia, depression, and even falls than those who did not receive hearing aids.
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