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Scientists are trying to develop better jabs as Omicron rages around the world

Scientists are trying to develop better jabs as Omicron rages around the world


Mumbai : Scientists develop improved vaccines as European and North American governments are rushing to control the surge caused by the dented Omicron coronavirus variant provided by the current jab. I’m back on the drawing board.

Indeed, current vaccine platforms such as mRNA, adenovirus, and inactivated virus prevent serious illness. However, preventing infection, at least in immunocompromised and high-risk groups, remains a challenge for public health authorities.

The incidence of breakthrough infections, that is, even among those who have already been vaccinated, has led to discussions in the scientific community to consider a combination vaccine platform. “The main indicator is to consider vaccines that prevent serious diseases, but we should also aim for vaccines that reduce overall and mild infectious diseases,” said the director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases. Dr. Sanjay Pujari, Chief Consultant, said.

Western countries are rushing to protect their population with a third dose after studies have shown weakened immunity six months after vaccination. Two doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines tolerated hospitalization and ICU occupancy, but reduced protection against Omicron infection by 50%, according to a Canadian study.

A study using the AstraZeneca vaccine in the United Kingdom showed that Omicron was less effective against symptomatic diseases compared to Delta.

This is where the strategy of mixing doses comes into play. A large study in Denmark showed that administration of the first dose of ChAdOx (AstraZeneca) followed by mRNA improved antibody titers. The US Food and Drug Administration approved a combination of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine and Johnson and Johnson’s adenovirus vaccine after the study showed a better immune response from such a mixture.

In India, the accidental mixture of cobacxin and covishelld among 18 individuals in Uttar Pradesh also showed better immunity.

In January 2022, CMC Vellore’s study of the immune response to a mixed dose of covisheild after covaxin and vice versa at 56 +/- 7 day intervals and the administration of two unmixed jabs shed light on the strategy. There is a possibility.

“For two reasons, there is a clear need for trials to investigate the safety and efficacy of heterologous vaccines. First, available vaccines target specific components of the virus. Therefore, different types of vaccines. Extensive and widespread behavior is important. Second, heterologous vaccines create formidable challenges for rapidly evolving viruses. Subspecies evolution is easily facilitated by inadequate vaccination rates. The next easiest target after the virus would be a heterologous vaccine, “said Dr. Gilidarabab, Head of Life Sciences Epidemiology at the Indian Public Health Foundation.

India is one of the few countries where pharmaceutical companies are working on four different vaccine platforms and is ideal for conducting these experiments.

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