Health experts say they’re celebrating the New Year by wearing an N95 mask over a cloth mask
Would you like to choose a New Year’s Eve outfit? Consider upgrading your face mask while you are in it.
Public health experts warn that single-layer cloth masks popular during the pandemic do not actually provide sufficient protection against COVID-19, especially in the face of Omicron variants. It’s better than wearing nothing.
“The quality of the mask is really important because we know that COVID is floating in the air,” Dr. Linawen, an emergency doctor and professor of public health at the Milken Institute of Public Health, George Washington University, told Marketwatch. .. And the single-layer cloth mask “provides little protection against the delta variant, and certainly against the highly contagious Omicron variant,” she added. “That’s why it’s so important to upgrade your mask.”
“”“A simple one-layer cloth mask does not provide much protection.” “
It’s no wonder that searches for “mask,” “N95,” and “particulate respiratory type” were all the rage on Google. Google Monday morning. That’s right “Where to buy N95 face mask” It was one of the top 10 most searched “buy places” on Google in the past year.
At Project 95’s site, 20 N95 boxes are running for about $ 40 to $ 45.Similarly, 10 packs go For just under $ 20 at the Home Depot And elsewhere.
Wen suggested wearing a KN95 or KF94 mask whenever he was in a closed space with many others. For example, a common experience at mass transit, on an airplane, or at an indoor festival such as a New Year’s Eve party. “These masks are of the highest quality for filtration and are needed in the midst of this pandemic of highly contagious variants,” she said.
“For now, single-layer cloth masks haven’t cut it against Omicron, so we need to promote better quality masks everywhere,” said Dr. Jerome Adams, former U.S. Surgeon General. Agreeed CNN’s AC360 Last Thursday. “We need more testing. We need better masking. That’s how we get over this.”
Indeed, from Monday, the judge of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial Ordered all Manhattan courts to wear N95 masks or similarly high quality masksNote, “Obviously, there are variants to consider.” The jury wore cloth or surgical masks throughout most of the trial.
New York City also distributes 500,000 test kits and 1 million KN95 masks. Through a community-based organization in the light of a new surge in cases, including about 50,000 on Christmas Eve alone.
And on Sunday, Senator Bernie Sanders called on Congress to demand mass production and distribution of N95 masks. “It’s important to remember that not all face masks are made the same, as we are faced with a rapidly expanding variant of Omicron,” he tweeted.
Trap small particles
So what makes “95” a magic number? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes the N95 respiratory system (commonly referred to as the “mask”) approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Filter at least 95% of airborne particles..
KN95 masks are similar, except for different certifications. KN95 is the Chinese standard and N95 is the US standard. However, KN95 manufacturers can request an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the medical setting.And that FDA has granted EUA to some KN95 masks already.
The KF94 mask filters 94% of aerosol particles and meets the standards of the Korean government. They have not yet been approved by the FDA in the medical setting for EUA.
N95, KN95, and KF94 masks are made of electrostatically charged material. This material actually catches small particles and prevents inhalation. It also filters fine particles that are only a few nanometers in size.
Cloth masks, by comparison, are better at filtering large droplets, but can pass through small particles and aerosols that can carry viruses in the air. Again, cloth masks are better than wearing no masks at all. This is because even a multi-layer cloth mask can block 50% to 70% of fine droplets and particles. CDC says. However, N95 filters 95% of the particles. “Many of us in public health have been saying this for over a year now. A simple single-layer cloth mask doesn’t provide much protection,” Wen said.
Coronavirus latest information: Due to the proliferation of cases in the United States, changing the quarantine time for COVID-19 infected individuals is “seriously under consideration.”
For those who are struggling to get an N95, KN95, or KF94 mask, Wen has a three-layer surgical mask attached and a double masking with a cloth mask that gives the effect of a cloth or surgical mask. Said that it can be enhanced. “People must wear at least three layers of surgical masks,” she said.
The counterfeit is there
However, unfortunately, keep in mind that forged N95 and KN95 masks are rampant online. The CDC has this guide to find genuine and fake masks approved by NIOSH... For NIOSH List of approved N95 respiratory organs It is often sold at some drug stores and home improvement stores.
and, Project 95Works to protect the community by providing equal access to personal protective equipment such as N95 masks and COVID-19 tests, and carefully procures NIOSH-certified and FDA-approved masks and test kits. increase.
Sure, it doesn’t matter how efficient the mask itself is, even if someone wears it incorrectly.The mask should cover both noses When Secure the mask under your mouth and chin. It should also fit snugly on the face, with no large openings or gaps on the nose, mouth, or sides of the face.Can be found Click here for CDC guidelines for wearing masks..
The number of new COVID-19 cases continues to grow at an exponential paceRecord cases have been reported in several states, including Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York on holiday weekends. According to the New York Times tracker, the United States reported 189,714 new cases on December 26. That number is lower, given that the number of COVID-19 tests performed on Christmas day can be slower. The daily average is 214,299, the highest since January 17th.
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