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New York City’s pediatric hospitalization increased by 395% amid a surge in coronavirus


New York City (WABC)-New York has reported a “significant increase” in new hospitalizations for children as COVID-19 cases in children and hospitalizations in the United States continue to increase weekly.

According to the New York State Department of Health, the recent four-fold increase in hospitalizations that began in the week of December 5 is concentrated in New York City and its surrounding areas, where highly contagious Omicron variants were rapidly prevalent. is doing.

“The risk of COVID-19 for children is real,” said state health commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “We are about this recent significant increase in pediatric COVID-19 hospitalization so that pediatricians, parents and parents can take urgent action to protect our youngest New Yorker. I’m warning you. “

Pediatric hospitalizations in New York City surged 395% from the week until December 11th and from 22 to 109 from the week until December 23rd. Pediatric hospitalizations throughout the state surged from 70 to 184.

State trends have a particularly disturbing effect on unvaccinated children-even if the state advertises high vaccination rates among adults. From the week of December 5th to this week, none of the children aged 5-11 years who were admitted to a New York City hospital with COVID were fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the number of children hospitalized for the virus across the state increased 2.5-fold from 70 to 184 over the same period.

Only 16.4% of children aged 5 to 11 years in the state were vaccinated because Hokur asked their parents to use their winter vacation to vaccinate their children.

“There is no reason. We have supplies. We have the ability. We have staff to vaccinate all qualified children,” Hochul said.

Hochule also said the state will distribute up to 3.5 million tests to schools this week to keep students in class amid Omicron’s surge.

“I want to make sure these schools remain open,” said Hochul, who traveled to the state this week on Friday as students launch an extensive “test to say” policy and return to class next week. A New Year’s Eve news conference to return to Albany in the afternoon to prepare the state for what she called the “winter surge 2.0”.

“If you’re sniffing or feeling sick, go home, watch the ball fall on your TV, drink a glass of champagne, and know you’re doing something wise,” she said. Told.

Dr. Bassett assured that the number of children hospitalized was “still small,” but released data to “motivate pediatricians and families to seek vaccinations for unvaccinated children and their families.” Said.

From December 9th to December 16th, about 170,000 children in the United States increased by about 28% in the last two weeks and tested positive for COVID-19. Report From the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, released last Monday.

Children continue to account for about a quarter (23.7%) of the weekly coronavirus cases reported in the United States, according to the report. On average, nearly 200 children are hospitalized with COVID-19 daily in the United States, according to federal data.

Similar trends have been reported overseas.

A December 23 UK Analysis We found that unvaccinated children between the ages of 5 and 11 constitute the “highest prevalence” of positive COVID-19 testing by age group.

When Preliminary data from South Africa Given the fact that so many children have not yet been vaccinated and are therefore unprotected, they estimate that the risk of hospitalization in the country’s Omicron-led Fourth Wave is 20% higher. increase.
“If you have a child between the ages of 5 and 11, vaccine that child to avoid getting something similar to a serious illness,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Monday, “Good Morning America.” Said in an interview.

See: Dr. Fauci talks about why Omicron cases are expected to continue to grow

Millions of children remain unvaccinated

As of December 5, less than 17% of children aged 5 to 11 years received at least one COVID-19 vaccination. KFF analysis..

This is despite the fact that anyone over the age of 5 is eligible for the vaccine in the United States. Pfizer Shot was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for 5 to 11 people at the end of October.

Experts say it is more important than ever for children to be vaccinated, given that highly contagious Omicron variants can now cause a larger wave of infection.

Young people are primarily immune to acute COVID-19 infections, but experts emphasize that children are not immune to the virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children are as likely to be infected with COVID-19 as adults, and the virus is currently one of the top 10 causes of death in children aged 5 to 11 years.

Details | Early indicators suggest that Omicron’s symptoms are mild and flu-like.I need to check more data

“The increased infectivity of Omicron can lead to a very large number of children, especially if not vaccinated,” said Dr. Christine Moffitt, an infectious disease specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital. I told the news. “Even if severe infections remain relatively rare in children, more pediatric hospitalizations will be seen if the number of cases in children surges.”

However, according to another recent KFF poll conducted prior to the discovery of Omicron, about two-thirds of parents in elementary school postpone or refuse vaccination of young children.

The safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine for eligible children remains “very reassuring,” Dr. Mofitt said.
The CDC has not yet identified concerns about temporary heart inflammation known as myocarditis. This is a potential side effect of mRNA vaccines found in rare situations in teens and young adults.

Related items | Due to the occurrence of COVID on board, at least four cruise ships are prohibited from disembarking passengers.

How can a child who is too young for the COVID-19 vaccine be protected?

Children under the age of 5 are not yet vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States, but there are steps to protect them from infection during the holidays.

“Enclose them with vaccinated and boosted siblings, if eligible,” advises Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

She also encourages taking the COVID-19 home test before the rally.

The CDC recommends that unvaccinated people (including children over the age of 2) wear masks indoors in public. If your child is under the age of two, or if you are unable to wear a mask for any other reason, the agency suggests limiting visits to unvaccinated people. And it tells you to keep your child away from others in public places.
According to the CDC, adults may also choose to wear masks indoors in public to set an example for young children. However, in virus hotspots, it is said that everyone, whether vaccinated or not, must wear a mask in those settings.

The Associated Press and ABC News contributed to this report.

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