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California ranks among the top 5 million in Omicron’s surge – CBS San Francisco

California ranks among the top 5 million in Omicron’s surge – CBS San Francisco
California ranks among the top 5 million in Omicron’s surge – CBS San Francisco


Sacramento (AP / CBS SF) —California became the first state to record over 5 million known coronavirus infections, according to Tuesday’s state dashboard.

A tough milestone reported by the California Public Health Department prepares 40 million residents for a new outbreak during holiday parties and family gatherings forced indoors by a series of winter storms. It wasn’t completely unexpected in my state.

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The first case of coronavirus in California was confirmed on January 25, 2020. It took 292 days to reach 1 million infections on November 11th of that year, and then exceeded 2 million in 44 days.

California’s case road is also ahead of other large states. As of Sunday, Texas had more than 4.4 million and Florida had more than 3.9 million.

California has recorded more than 75,500 deaths associated with COVID-19.

According to the latest figures from the California Public Health Service, Tuesday’s current test positive rate (average for the last seven days) was 9.7%. Throughout the state, 4,747 people are hospitalized with COVID and there are 1,071 ICU patients.

The state is much better than many other states dealing with the coronavirus surge. In the Midwest and Northeast regions, cold temperatures and keeping people indoors have led to the largest increase in cases and hospitalizations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists California as a place with a “high” infection of the virus, as well as almost every other place in the country. But last week, California averaged 16.4 new cases per 100,000, less than one-third of the country.

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Meanwhile, coronavirus-related hospitalizations are slowly increasing in California, increasing by about 12% to 4,401 in the last seven days. This is less than half the peak of late summer and one-fifth of a year ago, before the vaccine became widely available.

The COVID-19 timeline in the United States often returns to California. There were some of the earliest known cases among travelers from China where the outbreak began.

On February 6, 2020, the death of a woman in San Jose was the first known death of the coronavirus in the United States. That same month, California recorded the first unrelated US case of travel and the first spread within the community.

On March 19, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued the nation’s first state-wide stay-at-home order to prevent hospital overcrowding and closed businesses and schools.

It is unknown how many of the newly reported cases were due to the Omicron coronavirus variant. For Omicron, it remains unclear, including whether it causes more or less serious illness.

Scientists say Omicron spreads even more easily than other coronavirus strains, including Delta, and is expected to dominate the United States by early next year. Early studies suggest that vaccination requires booster shots for the best chance of preventing Omicron infection, but even without additional doses, vaccination can lead to severe illness and death. Should provide strong protection against.

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