Does weight loss help protect against Covid-19?
People who are overweight or obese are at a much higher risk of dying from much more serious illness and Covid-19, and one new study suggests that weight loss can reduce that risk.
Cody Stanford, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, said:
Increased risk of obesity and Covid-19
Dozens of studies have shown similar results.
Does losing weight reduce the risk of Covid-19?
Due to the increased risk, many believe that losing weight may prevent them from becoming infected or ill with Covid-19.
“In a controlled study of people with obesity and heart failure, the answer is questionable when you look at this marker of how they behave when weight loss, exercise programs, or a combination of these. No. Yes, there is evidence that weight loss is good, “Kas said.
The study was funded by a grant from Medtronic, which manufactures devices for weight loss surgery, examining records of 20,212 people over more than six years.
The positive rates for the Covid-19 test were similar in the surgery and control groups, 9.1% and 8.7%, respectively. Weight loss in the operated group was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalization, the need for oxygen supplementation, and severe symptoms from Covid-19 infection. This patient group also had a 53% lower 10-year cumulative incidence of non-Covid mortality from all causes compared to the control group.
“The findings suggest that obesity may be a correctable risk factor for the severity of Covid-19 infection,” the study said.
Dr. Steven Nissen, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic who co-authored the study, said it was important to understand that weight loss was key to the study, not the surgery itself.
Surgery happens to be an effective way to lose weight.
“Weight loss can be completely undone,” Nissen said. “As far as we know, weight loss significantly reduces the risk of serious Covid and Covid morbidity and mortality.”
Why obesity is a threat
Obesity is a problem with Covid-19 for a variety of biological reasons.
“Fat cells are living cells, and as soon as you start accumulating them, they essentially have a negative effect on your immune system,” Popkin said. “From the word go, they are inflamed.”
The Importance of Taking Obesity Seriously
Experts say that the problems that obesity poses for this pandemic are significantly underestimated.
“No country in the world has less than 20% of obese adults,” Popkin said.
According to the CDC, the United States is one of the countries with the highest obesity rates in the world, accounting for more than 42% of the adult population. This is probably a conservative number, as these statistics are from 2018. Over 73% of adults are considered overweight. Although the number of children is not very large, more than 20% of children aged 6 to 19 are obese and more than 13% of children aged 2 to 5 are obese.
“I don’t think people see obesity as an illness of its own. They see it as a lifestyle choice,” said Cody Stanford. “Many people think they need to eat less and exercise more, but if the mantra works, there is no obesity epidemic as it is today.”
So what should people do?
Cody Stanford said he is instructing patients not to focus on losing a certain number of pounds. Instead, they should think in terms of inches. She even gives a target waist circumference: less than 35 inches for females and less than 40 inches for men.
Obesity isn’t just about weight and BMI, it’s about where that weight is distributed.
In general, abdominal fat is one of the most dangerous types. The fat in the stomach grows deep into the body and wraps around important organs. The liver borrows this fat and turns it into cholesterol, which sneaks into the arteries and begins to collect there. When that happens, the arteries begin to harden, which can cause a heart attack or stroke.
This deep layer of tummy fat also makes the body insulin resistant and keeps it in a constant state of chronic inflammation. “Adding Covid inflammation on top of it can increase the risk of serious illness,” Kumar said.
She said that a better central distribution of body weight is important.
“If it’s good, there will be fewer complications and fewer deaths from Covid,” said Cody Stanford. “Looking at your weight on its own, without looking at the big picture, is a flawed idea.”
Based on studies of other illnesses, Popkin says that even those who are overweight but lose 5 pounds can see an improvement in their diabetes and high blood pressure.
“Any weight loss is positive at almost every weight level,” he said. “Even a small amount of weight gain can affect your health.”
Popkin added that weight loss is not as protective as vaccines and boosters.
“But certainly, it will bring some benefits,” he said-especially coming out of the holiday season.
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