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Future outlook for the COVID-19 pandemic with the surge of Omicrons | Coronavirus

Future outlook for the COVID-19 pandemic with the surge of Omicrons | Coronavirus


Lacrosse, Wisconsin (WXOW)-Many want the end of the pandemic as people enter the third calendar year under COVID-19.

Medical professionals also have hope, but their optimism is limited and there are many variables that affect the spread of the virus.

As of January 12, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services has shown that 27.6% of people tested for COVID are positive for the virus.

The average 7-day news report was 9,675, and DHS confirmed 10,277 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday alone.

Dr. Raj Naik, a vaccine scholar at the Gundersen Health System, argues that it is a global element of the pandemic that makes it difficult to predict when the virus will eventually be controlled.

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“Even like the United States and other westernized high-income countries,” Dr. Nike said. “As this vaccination barrier increases significantly, it does not necessarily apply everywhere, and in uncontrolled spread situations, whatever this immunity is, or even more contagious, it can be a problem. Anything can have a new variant that escapes. “

In countries with vaccination rates less than 10%, the virus can spread unchecked and mutate at will to drive new variants.

Associate Professor of Population Science, Ajay Sethi, The UW School of Medicine and the School of Public Health said it is unlikely that a pandemic will soon become endemic.

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“I don’t think we’re going to achieve herd immunity for a variety of reasons,” Sethi explained. “No society is well vaccinated. There are viruses that can cause reinfection, especially new variants that can evade immunity that already exists in the community due to previous infections or vaccinations.”

“If the virus is allowed to evolve in other parts of the world, we would probably expect another surge,” Seti added. “There isn’t enough vaccination over there.”

The United States, which has already set unprecedented infection rates, has not yet peaked in the current surge in Omicron mutant fuel viruses.

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“When it falls and we are at levels like pre-Omicron levels of COVID infection in the community,” Seti said. “The question of a million dollars is what will happen next.”

The combination of vaccine immunity and infectious immunity due to the current surge is expected to provide the protection needed in the coming months.

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“Overall, it’s the best protection,” said Dr. Nike. “Perhaps this hybrid immunity, even against future mutants that may exhibit these antigenic natures.”

The difficult reality of putting a virus under control

But to say that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, the new case requires long-term calm.

“To feel like you’ve got a barrier to immunity from past natural infections and protection from vaccination, you’ll have to go through a year or more without spikes. We realize that neither will last long. Both are declining and natural immunity is waning. Much faster than vaccine immunity.

Experts say that relying solely on naturally transmitted immunity limits a country’s ability to precede the pandemic cycle.

“The fact of the matter is that some countries have much higher immunization rates than we do,” Dr. Nike said. “And they have an infectious disease, but hospitalizations haven’t increased, so it’s much closer to what the endemic coronavirus and COVID look like.”

Vaccination, effective masking, physical distance, and testing are still the best mitigation measures available to the general public to reduce the spread.

To track the current status of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, see the DHS overview page. Wisconsin Health Services Department





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