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The times when Omicron surges and hospitals are full and go to ER are:


  • Hospitalizations for COVID-19 people have reached record highs, with more than 145,000 in bed this week.
  • Due to the lack of tests, some people appeared in the ER looking for the COVID-19 test.
  • We talked with an expert about when to go to the ER for COVID-19 treatment.

The current proliferation of Omicron variants of the coronavirus is causing another wave of disease around the world.

Healthcare systems are beginning to see a record number of people appearing in the emergency department to receive COVID-19 testing, evaluation, and treatment, along with non-COVID-related illnesses.

If you look for COVID-19 tests on the shelves of your local store, you may have noticed that they are not available or are in limited supply.

With a slight snuff, cough, or stuffy nose, people are looking for resources to find out if they have COVID-19, the flu, or just a cold. And some are appearing in the emergency room (ER) in the hope of taking a test.

However, coming to the ER for testing or mild symptoms is not the best idea.

Hospitals are in serious tension due to increased patient numbers and staff shortages.

Hospitalization of people with COVID-19 reached record High price, Over 145,000 people are in hospital beds this week.

But with Omicron soaring in the United States, when is the right time to seek medical care?

Due to the infectivity of this current variant, many people are infected.

According to unpeer-reviewed Danish study, Omicron is 2.7 to 3.7 times more infectious than the Delta mutant.

Although there may be a delay in getting official results, the use of home-based testing kits and home-based monitoring, the choice of working from home, and the use of over-the-counter medications save travel to the emergency department. Useful for.

If one member of the family or someone with whom you have spent a positive test for COVID-19 and the symptoms are mild, you may also be infected with COVID-19.

Even if you do not get a test to confirm the infection, you can quarantine it assuming you are at home and likely to be infected with COVID-19.

Also, if you have mild symptoms, you do not need to come to the ER just for testing.

“Recently, emergency departments all over the country are busy,” he said. Dr. Bobby Lewis, Vice-Chairman of Clinical Operations, University of Alabama School of Medicine, School of Emergency Medicine.

“We see all the same people as usual because people aren’t as far apart as they were during the first surge, and young people with mild symptoms and young people who just want a COVID test. There are many. “Lewis continued.

Dr. Wesley SelfEarly evidence also pointed out that early evidence indicates Omicron, which causes less severe illness than other variants of the coronavirus.

“Based on the information available so far, Omicron variants appear to cause on average less severe illnesses than previous variants such as Delta,” Self said.

“Some people have provided a device that can monitor oxygen saturation in the blood when diagnosing COVID-19. If this device indicates oxygen saturation.

Almost 63 percent Of the entire US population fully vaccinated against COVID-19, reported symptoms are generally milder than previous spikes.

However, relatively mild symptoms are often still very unpleasant.

The virus usually lasts 7 to 10 days. In the meantime, you may experience some mild symptoms that over-the-counter medications can effectively treat, such as antipyretics, antacids, and cough syrups.

If you have body aches, malaise, and nausea, but you can still eat and are generally uncomfortable, you may not need emergency medical care.

“Many people with mild symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, body aches, coughs, and congestion, can be managed without going to the hospital,” Self told Healthline.

If you are experiencing severe or life-threatening symptoms, or if your symptoms are getting worse, you should seek medical care, even if the hospital is crowded in your area.

“Hospitals are working to reduce exposure to COVID-19, but they can be life-threatening with or without COVID, so they need to show relevant symptoms, especially shortness of breath, chest pain, and stroke symptoms. There is, “says Lewis. ..

The emergency department examines all patients according to the triage system. People with the most severe symptoms are seen earlier than those with mild or low-risk symptoms.

If you go to the emergency department and see patients who come after you have been evaluated in front of you, it is likely that they are experiencing more serious or serious health complications.

This current wave in the case of Omicron appeared, even if the delta wave did not completely subside.

Seek medical attention if you have any health concerns.

Omicrons may be milder than previous coronavirus variants, but you still need to practice vigilance, upgrade masks, limit indoor gatherings, and test at home if possible. All these actions can make a difference not only to you but also to your local health care system.

Dr. Rajiv Bahl, MBA, MS is an emergency physician, board member of the Florida Emergency Medical College, and a health writer.You can find him at him Website..





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