A study finds a surge in cases of meningitis B among UK students | Meningitis
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reports that the number of cases of meningitis B in UK students is increasing rapidly, exceeding pre-pandemic levels.
Meningococcal Group B bacteria are a serious cause of life-threatening infections such as meningitis and sepsis. Most people recover, but some die. As a result, some people suffer from permanent disabilities such as brain damage, epilepsy, deafness, and loss of limbs.
The blockade used to curb the spread of Covid-19 during the pandemic also helped reduce other infections. According to experts, the incidence of meningitis was historically low until September last year.
However, since then, the number of cases of meningitis B has increased significantly among adolescents and young adults. England.. An early preprint study by UKHSA by the Guardian found an increase in cases “especially in college students.”
“IMD between September and November 2021 [invasive meningococcal disease] Increasing cases of group B disease in adolescents / young adults have led to a sharp increase in pre-pandemic levels, “states a page 11 analysis of the latest available data.
During that period, 41.5% of meningitis cases occurred between the ages of 15 and 19, compared with 11.8% and 14.3%, respectively, during the same period in 2018 and 2019, he added.
Importantly, the UKHSA reported that the number of cases in this age group during this period (22) in 2021 was higher than the corresponding period in 2018 (16) and 2019 (19). Of the IMD cases identified in the age groups 15-19 and 20-24 from September to November 2021, 84.6% (22/26) were enrolled in higher education institutions. The study was found. Almost all cases were associated with type B meningitis.
Experts said the increase in cases confirmed the risk of “rebound” of post-blockage infections. Charities, including last year’s Meningitis Research Foundation, said something could happen.
“It is important to emphasize this early evidence that the number of MenB cases in teens and young adults has skyrocketed to exceed pre-pandemic numbers aged 15-19 years,” he said. Meningitis Research Foundation.. “Although the numbers may seem small, meningitis can have life-changing effects for those who develop it, so it is very important to monitor evidence of case rebound. ..
“Data released by UKHSA emphasize that students, especially those on campus, are at higher risk of meningococcal disease than their classmates. Students, young people, and their families have meningitis and their families. It is essential to pay attention to the signs and symptoms of septicemia. Meningococcus progresses rapidly, so it is important to warn someone in case of illness and seek urgent medical advice. “
The UKHSA paper states that the increase in cases was caused by factors such as high levels of infection in adolescents and the fact that the blockade reduced exposure to meningococci and the chances of infection in adolescents of “immune debt”. It suggests that the combination may be the cause.
“Low immune levels can contribute to the rapid increase in IMD cases after returning to college, but to quantify immune changes throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, this population is serological. Research is needed, “the report adds.
Professor Ray Borrow, one of the authors of the paper and head of the UKHSA Vaccine Evaluation Unit, said: The response limits the natural circulation, blocks both the benefits and harms of exposure to these bacteria, and can lead to a lack of immune stimulation within the population. “
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