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Zoos are moving birds indoors to protect them from bird fluExBulletin

Zoos are moving birds indoors to protect them from bird fluExBulletin


Magellanic penguins stand inside the Blank Park Zoo enclosure in Des Moines, Iowa on Tuesday. Zoos throughout North America are moving birds indoors and away from humans and wildlife as they seek to protect them from the highly contagious and potentially deadly bird flu.

Charlie Neighbor Gull / AP

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Charlie Neighbor Gull / AP

Magellanic penguins stand inside the Blank Park Zoo enclosure in Des Moines, Iowa on Tuesday. Zoos throughout North America are moving birds indoors and away from humans and wildlife as they seek to protect them from the highly contagious and potentially deadly bird flu.

Charlie Neighbor Gull / AP

Omaha, Nebraska — North American zoos are moving birds indoors and away from humans and wildlife as they seek to protect highly contagious and potentially deadly birds. bird influenza.

Penguins may be the only bird currently visible to many zoo visitors. Penguins are already stored inside and are usually protected behind the glass of the exhibit, making it difficult for bird flu to reach.

About 23 million chickens and turkeys are already killed Throughout the United States to limit the spread of the virus, zoos are working hard to prevent birds from following the same fate. It would be particularly annoying that zoos have to kill either endangered or endangered species in their care.

“It will be very devastating,” said Maria Franke, director of welfare science at the Toronto Zoo. “We take amazing care and the welfare and well-being of our animals is paramount. At the zoo, there are many staff members who are closely associated with the animals they care for.”

Workers at the Toronto Zoo have added roofs to some outdoor bird exhibits and reaffirmed the mesh surrounding the enclosure to keep out wild birds.

bird The virus was shed through their feces and runny nose. According to experts, it can spread to contaminated equipment, clothing, boots, vehicles carrying supplies, etc. Studies show that birds squeezed into zoo exhibits and buildings can also spread the flu, and mice can even track the inside of the flu.

So far, no zoo outbreaks have been reported, but wild birds with the flu have been found dead. For example, a wild duck that died behind the scenes at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa, after a positive tornado last month, is said by zoo spokesman Ryan Bickel.

Most of the steps taken by the zoo are designed to prevent contact between wild birds and zoo animals. In some places, authorities require employees to change into clean boots and wear protective equipment before entering the bird area.

If a case of bird flu is found in poultry, the virus is so contagious that authorities order the entire herd to be killed. However, the USDA has shown that the zoo could avoid it by isolating infected birds and perhaps euthanizing a few birds.

Sarawood House, director of animal health at Omaha’s Henry Dory Zoo and Aquarium, said he was optimistic after discussing with state and federal regulators.

“They all agree that ordering to depopulate most of our collection will be an absolute last effort. Therefore, they do not let us go. I’m really interested in working with us to see what we can do. You can take care of birds, you don’t have to be euthanized, but you can spread the disease, “Woodhouse said. Says.

One of the precautions taken by the zoo is to group the birds into small groups so that if a case is found, it will be affected very little. USDA and the state veterinarian will make the final decision on which bird must be killed.

“Euthanasia is the only way to prevent it from spreading,” said Luis Padilla, vice president of animal collections at the St. Louis Zoo. “That’s why many of these very aggressive measures are being implemented.”

The national aviary in Pittsburgh, the country’s largest, offers individualized health checks for each of its approximately 500 birds. Dr. Pilarfish, senior director of veterinary and zoological advances in aviaries, often lives in large glass enclosures and outdoor habitats that are no longer directly exposed to wildlife.

Sean Patney, CEO of Kansas City Zoo, said he had heard some complaints from visitors, but most people wouldn’t have to be able to see the birds. “I think our guests understand that even if they can’t see the animals, we have the best interests of the animals in mind when we make these decisions. “Masu,” said Patney.

Authorities emphasize that bird flu does not jeopardize the safety of meat or eggs or pose a significant risk to human health. Infected birds are not licensed for food supply, and proper cooking of poultry and eggs kills bacteria and viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, no human cases have been found in the United States.




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