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The new Covid-19 subvariant OmicronXE will be under WHO surveillance to warn it that it is much more contagious.

The new Covid-19 subvariant OmicronXE will be under WHO surveillance to warn it that it is much more contagious.


A new subvariant of Omicron emerging in the UK has been carefully monitored by health authorities after the number of cases has been estimated to have doubled in two weeks.

The World Health Organization has warned that Omicron XE may be more susceptible to infection than previous Covid-19 variants, so what we know so far is:

Health officials say scientists continue to monitor Omicron XE. Image: iStock.
Health officials say scientists continue to monitor Omicron XE. Image: iStock.

What is Omicron XE?

Omicron XE is known as a recombinant variant. This is due to the combination of the genetic material of the two previous Omicron variants that are prevalent in the UK. These are known as BA.1 and BA.2 and are the most predominant virus variants in the UK.

This type of subvariant is created when those original variants can simultaneously infect the same cells of the same patient and combine their genetic material. The resulting subvariant (in this case called XE) can be passed on to others.

Cases of Omicron XE have increased in the United Kingdom in the last few weeks
Cases of Omicron XE have increased in the United Kingdom in the last few weeks

How fast does the Omicron XE spread?

Omicron XE was first identified in the United Kingdom in January and has since been detected in most parts of the United Kingdom.

Towards the end of March, the UK Health and Safety Agency announced that approximately 600 Omicron XEs had been identified. However, the number of people currently testing for coronavirus and sending official swabs for evaluation is constantly declining due to less restrictions. place.

However, the latest figures suggest that this is increasing rapidly, with 1,179 cases identified recently two weeks later, and the majority of XE cases are now thought to be in the southeast and east of the country. increase.

The number of officials can be much higher, as fewer people test and the majority of people no longer have access to free tests. ONS estimates that approximately 4 million people in the UK can now be infected with the coronavirus.

Very few cases of XE have also been identified in the Far East and Australia, probably as a result of overseas travel.

What are your concerns?
The World Health Organization says it believes that Omicron XE is highly contagious. The original strain of the Omicron variant was already very infectious, but this recombinant variant is believed to be very easily transmitted from person to person.

The UK Health Security Agency estimates that XE growth is 9.8% faster than the parent variant BA.2, according to the latest data available.

Although very few cases have been available for evaluation so far, health authorities are merely estimates, emphasizing exactly how the spread of subvariants is under investigation and still making firm conclusions. You can not.

However, all new variants are available worldwide to track how effective current vaccines are against them, or whether symptoms or diseases are more likely to be more severe than previous strains. Is closely monitored.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said new variants are under constant surveillance
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said new variants are under constant surveillance

Does XE cause a variety of symptoms?

People who are thought to be infected with the Omicron variant and are fully vaccinated most often report suffering from cold and flu-like symptoms that can vary significantly in severity. I have.

Fever, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and malaise are one of the most common symptoms associated with Omicron, and doctors continue to analyze the data available from XE, but the symptoms are similar. It is highly likely that you are there.

Vaccines remain the best defense against Covid-19, according to health authorities around the world
Vaccines remain the best defense against Covid-19, according to health authorities around the world

How about the vaccine?

Although the UK now has less restrictions on coronavirus, the government continues to be cautious of all new variants so that the country can implement appropriate protection, identify new threats and respond immediately. Emphasizes to monitor. This can be done through everything from additional restrictions to new vaccines.

So far, XE may increase the number of cases and infection rates, but it seems to be more dangerous than Omicron BA.1, which is considered weaker than Omicron BA.1 or Omicron BA.2. I won’t get it. original.

The face mask rules are no longer applied, but can I get them back if a case occurs or a more dangerous variant emerges?
The face mask rules are no longer applied, but can I get them back if a case occurs or a more dangerous variant emerges?

We know that vaccines and booster jabs don’t necessarily prevent you from catching Covid-19, but health officials say they continue to be our best line of defense, and in most cases people. Is fully vaccinated, which says it reduces illness and guarantees faster recovery.

However, in an article published last week by the World Economic Forum discussing the new XE subspecies, Grace Roberts, a virologist at Queen’s University Belfast, was first created to address the first woohan strain of the coronavirus. The world is currently in the spotlight as the vaccine will be modified to accommodate an ever-growing number of new variants, including XE.

She writes: “Since all current vaccines are based on the original Wuhan strain, the need for renewed vaccines is increasing. According to the data, the more changes in the peplomers acquired by subsequent mutants, the more now. The vaccine is less effective and prevents infection.

“However, vaccines are still very effective in preventing serious illness and death from COVID.”




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