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High levels of Lyme disease can occur in southeastern Michigan as the number of mites increases

High levels of Lyme disease can occur in southeastern Michigan as the number of mites increases


Michigan was able to see higher than normal activity among Detroit mites and found that the risk level of Lyme disease transmission was high throughout the counties in the southeastern part of the state-parasites bring health. Pets and people according to the threat tracking group.

According to predictions released by the Companion Animal Parasite Council, the western part of the Upper Peninsula is at increased risk of infection with tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease and anaplasmosis in May.

This is because the tick species Ixodes continues to move from the northwest to Michigan and is expected to spread to southern counties throughout the year.

This is a problem for unsuspecting residents, especially pet owners, said Dr. Rick Malinson of CAPC. “Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis are serious threats to pets in Michigan, making them increasingly vulnerable to these debilitating and potentially fatal diseases.”

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Ehrlichiosis, like Lyme disease, is a bacterial infection that is transmitted by tick bites. They can infect both dogs and their families and can cause serious neurological and cardiac problems if left untreated.

Wayne, Washtonneau, McCorm, Auckland, and Livingston counties all show an increased risk of transmission from tick-borne disease in 2022, CAPC said. Reasons range from increasing travel with pets to moving wildlife populations to previously uninhabited spaces.

Climate change and temperature changes have influenced that movement. So is the change in habitat by humans.

As Increased exposure threatExperts say that preventive strategies that pet owners can take should be increasingly utilized.

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Dr. Christopher Carpenter, CEO of CAPC, said: “CAPC’s monthly pet parasite forecast is important to alert pet owners of risk and to strengthen CAPC’s recommendation that all pets should be tested annually and protected year-round.”

According to current forecasts for the next 30 days, the expected prevalence of dogs is about 4.14%. Michigan’s western and northern parts are at the highest threat levels. Readers can find the map here..

What happens if my pet is bitten by a tick?

The diseases that scientists are most wary of being caused by ticks are Lyme disease and Ehrlichiosis, both of which are bacterial infections that can infect humans and dogs.

Many bitten dogs show no signs of infection. However, for those who do, the symptoms can be fever, depression, loss of appetite, lethargy, joint pain, and stiffness.

If left untreated, these problems can turn into kidney failure, heart problems, or neurological problems.

Dogs infected with ehrlichiosis can experience eye problems, bleeding problems, and anemia.

Can pet owners get Lyme disease from their pets?

no. Bacterial infections transmitted by tick bites are not transmitted from pets to their owners or from their owners to pets.

However, CAPC warns that places where pets are increasingly at risk of being bitten by ticks are also places where humans are more at risk.

What should pet owners do?

The first person pet owners are worried about is to talk to a local veterinarian about testing for tick-borne diseases and year-round prevention. It is also helpful to carefully check for mites through the dog’s fur.

One of the most important things pet owners can do to protect their pets is to vaccinate against Lyme disease.

Beyond that, recognizing the risk level of mites and regularly checking your pet’s mites can prevent further spread.




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