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INDIA bloc prepares one-year PM formula to destroy country: Narendra Modi | Latest news India

INDIA bloc prepares one-year PM formula to destroy country: Narendra Modi |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said the INDIA bloc was mulling over a prime ministerial formula for a year as they failed to reach any consensus on the face of a prime minister, citing reports. Addressing a public meeting in Madhya Pradesh's Betul, Modi said even though he was working on the first 100 days of work after coming to power, the opposition alliance did not even have a face of Prime Minister. “The country should know who the face of its Prime Minister is. On our side, you have Modi in front of you, with a record of 10 years. The opposition looked for a face of Prime Minister, but did not find one. Now some media are saying they are discussing the formula of one year prime minister, which means five prime ministers in five years. What will happen to the country?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public rally in Madhya Pradesh's Betul on Wednesday.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public rally in Madhya Pradesh's Betul on Wednesday.

“This means that they are now auctioning the Prime Minister's chair. One person will occupy the chair. And four others will wait until his term ends. It looks like Mungerilal's sweet dreams (daydream) but it's not 'haseen'. This is a very scary proposition that will destroy the country. This will shatter all your dreams,” the Prime Minister said.

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As the second phase of voting on April 26 approaches, the battle has become intense, with PM Modi claiming that the Congress had declared in its manifesto that it would “grab” wealth and redistribute it – which has was rejected by Congress.

“Babasaheb Ambedkar was against reservations based on religion. Our constitutional makers thought it through and concluded that a quota based on religion was not possible. But the Congress always wanted to take away the quota from SC/ST/OBCs and the give to his preferred vote bank When “Congress was at the Centre, it launched a religion-based quota in Andhra Pradesh. It didn't work out, but they are still in this game. In Karnataka, they tried to steal the OBC quota and made all Muslims OBCs,” Modi said.

“In its manifesto, the Congress talked about reservations based on religion. Recently, the Telangana Chief Minister specifically said that they will give reservations to Muslims. They can go in any direction to appease their vote bank” , Modi said.

Reiterating the issue of 'distribution of wealth', Narendra Modi said that if someone owns more than one car, a motorcycle or a house, then the Congress will take the excess by law. “If you have a house in the village and another in the city, the Congress will take one so that it can distribute it among its 'khaas'. They want to take an x-ray of the country. They will investigate how much “The jewelry our mothers have. They will come up with a plan to grab the mangalsutra. Congress leaders are saying this openly,” the Prime Minister said.

“Another example of how the Congress wants to loot the country surfaced today. A Congress leader who is also Shahzade's advisor said that inheritance tax should be introduced in India. This means that the Congress would seize half of your grandparents' property, and the parents will you allow this?

On Congress distancing itself from Sam Pitroda's remark, Modi said, “Now they are saying it is the advisor's personal opinion.” But in 2011, Congress wanted to introduce the inheritance tax. this tax. From now on, the party can no longer distance itself from it.




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