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Google postpones cookie deletion again

Google postpones cookie deletion again


Google has once again postponed the removal of third-party cookies from Chrome. The move gave companies more time to prepare for cookie deletion in the face of backlash. Google plans to phase out cookies in 2025, subject to CMA and ICO approval.

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Google is once again delaying the removal of third-party cookies on Chrome.

The company has delayed the rollout of the removal multiple times since announcing the changes in January 2020. In a statement Tuesday, the company cited industry and regulatory backlash as “significant considerations” behind the delay.

“We recognize the continuing challenges associated with reconciling disparate feedback from industry, regulators, and developers, and we continue to work closely with the entire ecosystem,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement. We will work together.”

Third-party cookies are small data files that are stored on your device. Companies use cookies to track consumers across their websites and target advertising. Also, use this tool to track whether your campaigns are working effectively.

In recent years, Google has joined companies like Apple and Mozilla in phasing out cookies to better protect consumer privacy. Google has developed the Privacy Sandbox, a collection of technologies that protect consumers while helping businesses advertise effectively.

However, the path to achieving this was not easy.

Google relies on advertising, and companies use cookies to help target consumers and measure whether ads are effective. The search engine giant has faced backlash from companies who are planning to remove the feature due to its impact on advertising.

In January, Google conducted an experiment to phase out cookies for 1% of Chrome users (about 30 million people). Various ad tech companies said the new technology doesn't adequately compensate for the functionality lost by cookies.

Google also faced regulatory complications that prevented it from moving forward with the changes. Google will not be able to remove third-party cookies from Chrome until the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is satisfied with the new technology and approves it as anti-competitive.

A Google spokesperson said: “It is also important that the CMA has sufficient time to consider all evidence, including the results of industry testing.” “The CMA is asking market participants to submit this by the end of June.”

The CMA previously announced it was assessing the impact of the changes and said it expected to complete the assessment by mid-2024. After approving the privacy sandbox technology, Google will have to wait 60 to 120 days before disabling it.

A CMA spokesperson told BI: “We welcome Google's announcement clarifying when third-party cookies will be phased out.” “This allows us time to evaluate industry test results and resolve any remaining issues.”

Google initially said it wanted to phase out cookies by the end of 2024. The company said it now aims to begin phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome in early 2025, subject to approval from the CMA and UK privacy regulators. Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Stephen Almond, the ICO's executive director of regulatory risk, told BI that the ICO is working with Google and the CMA to ensure that the end of web cookies has a positive privacy outcome for web users.

“Consumers benefit when companies meet data protection and competition law requirements,” Almond said.

Any tips for Google? Email reporters at [email protected] from outside of work.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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