Women are at increased risk of stroke and are more likely to have a miscarriage or stillbirth.
New research abortion Or in the case of stillbirth, the risk of stroke is increased if blood cannot reach the brain because the artery is occluded or ruptured.The risk increases with each miscarriage stillbirth..
Attempting to establish this link is difficult because it requires tracking a large number of women over a long period of time and obtaining reliable data on their experiences. Our study, published today by the British Medical Journal, is: abortion And stroke.
Many women are unaware that their experience during pregnancy can be an early marker for later. Health hazard.. Our findings show that their doctors should pay attention to their increased risk.
Infertility, miscarriage and stillbirth may increase Stroke risk Because of other health problems. These can include endocrine disorders (low estrogen or insulin resistance), inflammation, endothelial cell problems that help blood flow, psychiatric disorders, unhealthy behavior (such as smoking) or obesity.
Broken heart, risk of stroke
Our study is based on pooled data from 618,851 women who participated in eight separate studies in Australia, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The Woman They were 32 to 73 years old when they were first enrolled in the study and were followed for an average of 11 years.
Studies have shown that during the time they were studied, 9,265 (2.8%) women were not fatal to at least one. stroke And 4,003 (0.7%) women had a fatal stroke. Overall, 91,569 (16.2%) women had a history of miscarriage and 24,873 (4.6%) had a history of stillbirth.
Among women who have been pregnant so far, those who reported miscarriage had an 11% higher risk and a 17% higher risk of non-fatal stroke. dangerous A fatal stroke compared to a woman who has not had a miscarriage.
Women who have had three or more miscarriages have a 35% higher risk of non-fatal stroke (incidence rate is 43 to 100,000 per 100,000 “man-years”” because of the increased risk of each miscarriage. 58), the risk was 82% higher. Fatal stroke compared to women who have never experienced it (11.3 to 18 per 100,000 person-years) abortion.. Stillbirth also significantly increased the risk of stroke.
Among the women who have been to During pregnancyWomen with a history of stillbirth had a 31% higher risk of non-fatal stroke (incidence rate of 42 to 69.5 per 100,000 person-years) and a 7% higher risk of fatal stroke. ..
Again, the higher the number of stillbirths, the higher the risk of stillbirth, and women who have had more than one stillbirth have a 26% higher risk of fatal stroke (11 to 100,000 per 100,000 person-years). Increased to 51.1 people per person).
This study is the first to show an association with stroke subtypes. Stillbirth was associated with a non-fatal ischemic (obstructive) stroke or a fatal hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke. Miscarriage was associated with both subtypes.
Our research Strengthen Findings from previous systematic reviews that found similar results but showed limited evidence associated with stroke subtypes.
Of the possible explanations for these links, the problem of endothelial cells, which control the relaxation and contraction of blood vessels and release blood coagulation enzymes, is placenta.. These problems are Blood vessels It dilates during a stroke and becomes inflamed or obstructed.
Adjustment of known risk factors
Our findings were adjusted for many of the known risk factors for stroke: the classification of obesity index, whether women smoked, whether they had high blood pressure, or. Diabetes.. The numbers were also tailored to ethnicity and level of education.
By adjusting the risk factors, you can identify an increased risk that is likely to be associated with the number of miscarriages and stillbirths in women.
How should women and their doctors handle this information? When doctors check the health of the heart, they look at the risk of overall cardiovascular disease – that is, Heart disease, Heart failure and stroke. By considering these risks, physicians assess and predict the risk of future illness.
Current Australian guidelines recommend that people between the ages of 45 and 74, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from the age of 30, undergo regular heart health examinations. This is the time when the risk of cardiovascular disease begins to increase.
Guidelines are recommended dosage (Blood pressure drugs and / or lipid-lowering drugs such as statins) If the risk of cardiovascular disease exceeds 15% over the next 5 years.
These guidelines are currently in Australia’s Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance ( cancer Council Australia, Diabetes Australia, Kidney Health Australia, National Heart Foundation of Australia, Stroke Foundation), but recent international guidelines recommend dosing at lower levels of risk.
Whatever the risk of cardiovascular disease, the best way to prevent a stroke is to quit smoking, eat a healthy diet, and eat a moderate diet to live as healthy a life as possible. Is to send a style. alcohol Ingest and exercise regularly.
these are Lifestyle measures The risk is low for everyone, but doctors work especially hard to help people at long-term risk do this.
Miscarriage and stillbirth show that women are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, according to our research.These events cause women to have high blood pressure, diabetes, or High cholesterol..
Women who have had a miscarriage or stillbirth should discuss it with their doctor. Knowing that you are at high risk of stroke is an opportunity to monitor your health and change your lifestyle. Prevent stroke..
The GP should ask about the female reproductive history and be aware of recurrent miscarriage and stillbirth as potential predictors of stroke risk.
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