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Can a fasting diet reduce the severity of COVID? -Consumer Health News

Can a fasting diet reduce the severity of COVID? -Consumer Health News


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 (HealthDay News)-A new study suggests that a fasting meal may be a ticket to avoid hospitalization with COVID-19.

Researchers at Intermountain Healthcare, Utah, have found that people who have practiced intermittent water-only fasting for decades are less likely to experience serious complications as a result of COVID infection.

“Intermittent fasting has already been shown to reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular health. This study adds to the fight against COVID-19 infection in patients who have been fasting for decades. We are finding the benefits of this, “says lead author Benjamin. Director of Cardiovascular and Genetic Epidemiology at Horn, Intermountain.

Researchers collected data from the Healthcare Center’s voluntary registration. They identified 205 patients who tested positive for the virus between March 2020 and February 2021 before the vaccine became available. Seventy-three of them fasted at least once a month. (Approximately 62% of Utah’s inhabitants are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and typically fast on the first Sunday of the month).

Researchers reported hospitalization and / or death in 11% of fasters, compared to 29% of non-fasters.

They said it is unclear exactly why intermittent fasting is associated with better COVID results and more research is needed. However, they theorized that fasting can reduce inflammation, while hyperinflammation is associated with a poor COVID diagnosis.

Also, after a 12-hour fast, the body changes the way blood sugar is processed, switching from glucose to ketone bodies containing linoleic acid.

“The surface of SARS-CoV-2 has pockets for linoleic acid, which can make it harder for the virus to attach to other cells,” Horn said in an Intermountain news release.

He added that intermittent fasting also benefits a natural body process called. AutophagyThis is a recycling system that “helps your body destroy and recycle damaged and infected cells”.

The authors have practiced intermittent fasting for decades, and those who are considering trying this style of diet are especially elderly, pregnant, or in the following conditions: Emphasized that you should first consult a doctor DiabetesHeart disease or kidney disease.

Horn added that fasting should not be seen as an alternative to COVID vaccination, but perhaps as a “complementary approach to vaccines and antiviral therapy to reduce the severity of COVID-19.” ..

The study was recently published BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health..

For more information

For more information on how to protect yourself from COVID-19, please visit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

Source: Intermountain Healthcare, News Release, July 8, 2022

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