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How to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency When Working All Day

How to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency When Working All Day


Vitamin D Have Various benefitsfrom Strong bone Improve Immune function.. However, it is one of the more elusive vitamins, as it is not found in high concentrations in many foods. And if you work indoors all day, you tend to miss one big opportunity to get Vitamin D: exposure to sunlight.

Therefore, vitamin D deficiency It ’s a global issue...

If you suspect you may have vitamin D deficiency (I have a symptom here), You should ask your doctor for an examination to confirm.You can also try Home test In the case of vitamin D deficiency, it is up to you to conduct a laboratory investigation to ensure that you meet the safety, accuracy, and efficacy criteria of your laboratory.

When taking vitamin D supplements, whether or not they are tested, be careful not to exceed the maximum acceptable intake (UL), which is known to be safe. The UL of Vitamin D For adults, 100 micrograms (mcg) or 4,000 international units (IU) per day. The recommended daily allowance is 15mcg or 600IU per day For many people. If you have too much vitamin D from your supplement, Vitamin D toxicity -Clinicians are starting to see it more often, as the popularity of vitamin D as a supplement is skyrocketing.

Either way, before you start spending money Supplements that may or may not workYou can try these 6 tactics to get more vitamin D.

1. Open the window of your office, home, or car

Living area with natural light interior shots

Sunlight your home, office or car.

Klaus Vedfeld / Getty Images

Whether your window blocks UV Depends on the type of window you have..According to the International UV Association, standard windows allow UV-A rays passing through (not UV-B rays)..

Most windows in homes and buildings are treated in some way, such as window film or shades, to prevent the passage of both types of UV light. Opening windows can help you get more sunlight, as it is likely to be the case in your home or office (and perhaps your car).

Wear sunscreen of 15 SPF or higher if you want to open the window for a long time, and wear UV-blocking glasses or sunglasses if you are facing the open window directly. If the outside is very sunny, you may not need to open the window for more than 10-15 minutes to increase vitamin D production.

read more: How Much Sunscreen Do You Really Need This Summer?

2. Drink the first cup of coffee outside

People with mugs against the backdrop of lakes, mountains and forests

Not all of us have such a great view, but drinking a morning drink outside can still be peaceful (and helps produce vitamin D!).

Elena Pueyo / Getty Images

Take some time in the morning and drink your first cup. coffee
outside. The morning light is not as harsh as the sunlight later in the day, but this way you can meet at least some of your vitamin D needs.

If you’re working from home, try this before you sit at your desk (although you can also take a second cup for the first task of your computer). If you work in the office or other workplace, you may need to set an alarm a few minutes in advance to enjoy the morning light.

Before you stick to your thoughts Previous awakening time
Know that you get more benefits, not just the absorption of Vitamin D. Open up time for yourself In the morning, even just 10 to 15 minutes can have a positive impact on the day. You may be looking forward to an early morning coffee. It’s time to think slowly and set the intent of the day.

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3. Replace the meat with fish

Salmon on the salad

Fish is one of the best sources of vitamin D food.

Anna Cruz Eva / Getty Images

According to the U.S. Dietary Supplement Agency, fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel are some of the most natural (that is, unfortified). Source of Vitamin D..

In fact, according to the USDA Food Ingredients Database, One 100g serving of farmed salmon in the Atlantic Ocean 526 IU can almost meet your daily requirements for Vitamin D.

Canned tuna, mackerel, rockfish, swordfish, swordfish, trout, white fish, sturgeon are also decent Vitamin D concentration.. Try replacing one or two meats with fish each week for a very easy way to get more vitamin D.

read more: The best seafood delivery service in 2022

4. Eat the whole egg

Eggs on a slice of bread

Egg yolk is a good source of vitamin D.

Jody Loei / Getty Images

Most adults today grew up hearing that eggs are bad for the heart, mythology Since then, it has been disproved (see) here, here, here When here)and it is egg It is one of the few food sources that naturally contains vitamin D.

However, you need to eat the whole egg. Egg yolk is the place where vitamin D lives. Eggs alone aren’t enough to meet your daily vitamin D requirements, but eggs are a healthy, protein-rich way to help you get there.Interestingly, not surprisingly, free-range eggs Contains more vitamin D Than traditional eggs.

5. Take a walk at lunch time

Two people walking outside wearing training clothes

Taking a walk outside is a great way to get more vitamin D.

Getty Images

CNET definitely doesn’t endorse defenseless Sunlight, And there is a delicate balance between skin safety and vitamin D intake.Most people don’t already have enough sun, and Sunscreen Prevents the skin from absorbing UV light, which is paradoxically involved in both skin cancer and the conversion of vitamin D to the active form.

You may be wondering what a person should do. Most people’s vitamin D comes from casual exposure to the sun, so a walk at lunch can provide most of your vitamin D needs. actually, One study What was done in the United Kingdom found that less than 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight at noon was sufficient to maintain adequate blood levels of vitamin D in healthy adults.

If you go for a walk at lunch, the daylight is stronger than the morning light, but not as strong as the afternoon light, so it can give you the best value-that is, go out and take vitamin D. can Low risk of sunburn damage.. In addition, you can do some light exercise and get back to work with a refreshing mood.

If you have a family history of skin cancer or other skin health complications that may be exacerbated by exposure to sunlight, you should continue to follow the safety protocol given by your doctor.

read more: According to experts, this is the ideal SPF to use this summer

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.




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